Ch. 8 - Fairy lights

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⚠️Homophobic slurs. I'm sorry. It's not THAT bad, though.

I wonder what Komaeda said to make Togami so uncomfortable. I'll ask him later.

The four of us talked for a while. We finished our drinks around 8 o'clock.

"Hey," Hinata said standing up, "Komaeda and I were planning on catching a movie after this. You two up?"

I glanced over at Togami. He didn't seem all for it and I didn't want to force him into it. "Um... No. Sorry, Hinata. It's a little late. Maybe another time?" I asked, Togami looking a bit shocked that I didn't agree.

"Yeah, that's fine," he said, "Another time. Well, just let us know when you two are up? We're dorm 312."

"Okay, we're dorm 329. See you two soon," I said as Hinata and Komaeda headed to the door, "Bye guys!"

"Bye!" They called back, before walking straight out the door. I sat back down next to Togami. "You wanna get another coffee to go? It's on me."

He looked up at me with a confused look. "No. It's on me, plebeian." I stared at him, my head tilted.


He just shook his head and looked down. "Don't act like you didn't just turn down a movie because I obviously didn't want to."

"Oh," I chuckled, "Well, it's my fault anyway. I'm the one who invited them to come sit with us. So the coffee is on me."

Togami gave me a slight glare before sighing and giving in. "Fine, plebeian. One black coffee for me, to go," he said. I nodded and ordered him a coffee, ordering myself another strawberry iced tea.

I handed him his coffee and we left. "Man," I said, "It's going to be really dark by the time we get back.."

Togami nodded and sighed, "And it had to happen on the FIRST day of school." I took a sip of my iced tea and thought for a second. I gasped and looked to him, "We could go and get little fairy lights for around our room! And we could get flashlights and hand them out to our classmates!"

He paused for a second, then looked at me. "You know," he said, "Your probably the nicest person I've ever met."
I smiled and continued looking at him, waiting for a response. He sighed and nodded. I grabbed his hand and started off to the nearest shop. "GaH- but I'm paying this time!"

"Sure, sure. Now come on, slow poke!" I jokingly demanded while practically dragging him. He began to pick up the pace. "Do you even know where you're going?" He asked glancing around. I turned my head to face him. "Of course I do!"


Soon enough I saw it. In big, bright letters it read:

• Books • Clothes • Lights •
• Decor • & More •


I came to a stop, Togami stumbling forwards into me. I grabbed his waist, steadying him. "Too fast?" I asked with a giggle. He just shook his head with the roll of his eyes. I latched onto his hand and started pulling him to the entrance.

As we were about to get to the door, a man probably in his late 20s, walked out. He looked at us with a sort of disgusted look on his face. As Togami and I passed him I heard the tiniest mutter from him, "Fucking fags."

I saw Togami's head snap to the side. Then he looked back in my direction. I untangled our hands, realizing that I had been holding his hand a lot. I awkwardly shoved my hand into my pocket. He looked down, as did I. Fucking fags?

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