Chapter 2- big news

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    After Lin,Alex and I loaded into the car with our stuff we drove into the city.

When we officially entered the city I looked at Lin who was sitting in the back seat.I was in the passengers and Alex was driving. I grinned at Lin and he grinned back. "The revolution is happnin' in Manhattan and we just happen to be in the greatest city in the world," we sung in sync harmonizing beautifully. We giggled and alex smirked. "You two are dorks." He said.

    "Shut up you love it. And don't act like you're not dorky either." I said looking at him still grinning a little.

"Fineee you caught me.." he said. "We're all dorks together."

   Lin raised his fist in the air, "Were proud freaks, take that society!" He said causing all of Us to laugh.


    Before we knew it we were at my apartment building. We all got out and I grabbed my stuff, all of us heading to the door together. I opened it and dragged myself up the the stairs ,groaning.

    When we made it up to my room, I opened the door and let the two walk in before me. I walked in after them, closing the door behind me. "Alright what's the plan?" I asked.

Lin looked up at me. "I have to go to the Richard Rogers, I've got a show tonight."

    Alex looked up at me too0. "Same here, NICK/NAME. I'd like you to come though.Everyone missed you."

I looked at alex nodding. "I missed Kerry's positivity and I love your performance as Beetlejuice Alex so,I'll go."

Alex smiled. Damn it's so pure and cute. "Great!" He exclaimed.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Alright well, let's go drop this douchebag off." I said patting Lin's back.


   We had dropped Lin off at his theatre, and alex and I were driving to the winter garden. Alex looked a little shook. I put my hand on his thigh, gently rubbing it. "You good?" I asked.

He blushed slightly as his eyes widened a little bit. "O-oh yeah I-I'm fine..I was j-just nervous. Y'know..."

I nodded and removed my hand blushing very lightly as well.


    Alex and I walked down the hall, saying hi to Kerry,Adam,Sophia and Leslie before we went to Alex's dressing room.

     I sat down on his couch immediately. He chuckled quietly then sighing shortly after. I sat up. "What is it?" I asked.

   "You know how I..I said I was nervous earlier?" He asked, I nodded. He continued, "well the truth is..that...Sophia's gonna be out for a few months a-and Presley won't be able to cover. So their gonna be doing auditions for a new temporary Lydia and I-I think you should audition."

I was baffled. I had no clue what to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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