chap. 2

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6am. i hate school.
on a normal day, i don't start getting ready till like 6:30 but chick fil a is giving out free chicken minis and it's almost like a curse to not accept a gift from the lords second house. i'm getting out of bed now, going straight to the bathroom to pee, brush my teeth, fix my crazy curly blonde hair, and put on makeup. i didn't really start wearing makeup to school until like my sophomore year and it was only because of drill team. speaking of, my director cancelled 6am practice this morning (maybe so she could go to cfa too, idk).

i put on my sweatpants and a long sleeve, along with some cute striped socks and my birks. i say bye to my mom and text my friends, alyssa and lily, to make sure our plans are still on for free breakfast. they are. cool. driving to school takes me a good 10 minutes so stopping for breakfast shouldn't be a problem if school starts at 7:30am. i get my food, and head to school driving behind alyssa and lily. me and alyssa take turns picking lily up from her house because her family literally owns like 2 cars for like 7 people. crazy, right?

we get to school and park next to each other, then they come into my car because 1) my car is bigger and 2) it smells the best. while we are eating we always take note of everyone. for example, the over-achievers, who go in the school 30 min before the release bell rings; the jocks who all gather around like four cars and play loud music for some god awful reason; and then we never get to watch the ones who walk in late because we're already in the building by then. as we're walking towards the front doors, some of the baseball players catch up with us; chase, bryce, griffin, and troy. ahhh, troy. we're "talking" i guess and the wait is so painful. by wait, i mean finally asking me out. me and my girls have a tiny bet going on to see when he does it.

i guess i could kind of introduce myself. my name is rebecca jenkins, i am 17 years old, i am one of the junior lieutenants of the varsity drill team, The Silver Rhythm Dancers (SRD's if you will). i have a passion for dance and i always have, probably since i was like 5. i love to sing but i get super shy when in front of a lot of people. i have the best friends in the whole world, i want to be a teacher when i grow up, and my lil sis in drill team has my entire heart. charli. she's so adorable, she lights up any room when she walks in and it's so cute to listen to her talk about her boyfriend of 7 months, chase. they're literally my favs. addison is the drill teams head captain, and she's such a huge role model for me. ever since i joined drill she has always been by my side and helped me out. she's taught me so much and she's inspired me to be the best dancer i can be.

now that football season is over, my second/third favorite seasons are about to come up: basketball and baseball. basketball because griffin and chase play, AND it's the start of competition season for drill. every march we go to Plano East High and compete with different drill teams around the dfw area. my school has been the reigning national champions for the 5th year in a row. baseball, because troy plays. he's played for a long time now so it's pretty easy for him. i cant wait to support him during the season:)

my classes this year are kinda boring. i have 8 classes total, 4 one day, 4 the next. and they just go back and forth. people say junior year is the hardest year but so far i have no complaints. i like to learn and i think if you like to learn you're more motivated to actually learn. we have off campus lunch which is a plus, but we're expected to make it back before the 30 min is up. i usually go to lunch with alyssa and lily unless someone else wants to join us.
**phone dings**

troy: hey wanna go to lunch with me today
me: uh yeah sure!! let me text alyssa and lily and tell them i'm gonna go with you
troy: ok cool, sounds great. see you in a few.

ugh i love him

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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