Boughs of Holly

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"Come here." Changeling pulled Raven by her hand into his chest.

"Changeling, no." She fought a blush and pushed him away.

"Come on, Mama." He used his sexy voice. "Just a quick tumble. Before everyone shows up."

"No. And you have to leave with Cyborg to get Nana." She threw up the roadblock.

"Cy's not leaving for a while."

"Are you sure?"

"C?! Where you at, Green Buddy?! We're leaving!" Cyborg's voice filtered into the room.

"Is that a spell?" Changeling demanded.

A knock sounded at the door.

Raven stepped away from him. "No."

Changeling sighed. "Okay, I'll leave. But I want alone time with you when I get back."

Raven said nothing as he left. She waited until she was sure he left the tower then called a girls meeting.


"What's wrong, Rae?" Jinx asked as she reclined on Starfire's bed.

Raven blew out a breath. "I don't know how to say it."

"What's it about?" Terra tried to help.

"Changeling and I. Romantically." She blushed.

"Aww! What's wrong, Rae-Rae?" Jinx teased. "You're too cute?"

Raven glared at her. "If you're not going to take this seriously, I might as well leave."

"Raven, please do not leave." Starfire put her hairbrush down and flipped her hair from her face. "We will treat this matter with respect and dignity. Whatever it may be."

"Just get to it before I leave." Bumble Bee yawned.

Raven set her face, determined to get this out without dying of humiliation. "Changeling and I haven't been together since Sebastian was born."

"When you say been together...?" Bumble Bee led. "You mean have sex?"

Raven burned. "Yes!"

"It's been five months!" Jinx sat up.

"I know how long it's been!"

"Why haven't you gotten it in?" Bumble Bee asked.

Raven knew this could make her look bad. She swallowed hard. "I haven't lost all the weight."

"What?! Like two pounds?!" Jinx threw up her hands.

"More like fifteen." Raven snapped.

"You're curvy. You look like a woman." Bumble Bee said.

"A fat woman!"

Starfire gasped. "You are not the fat! You are beautiful!"

Raven said nothing.

"I wish I had your curves!" Terra threw out a hand. "You're so lucky!"

"Embrace your body." Bumble Bee nodded.

"Speaking of..." Raven hung her head. "Things are... different."

"What things?" Terra asked just as Jinx asked, "Different how?"

"That's normal." Bumble Bee waved her off. "Your body just underwent a change. It'll never been the same as it once was. But that doesn't mean it can't be better."

"But I have... bumps... down there." Raven could've died just saying that.

"It's probably hemorrhoids." Bumble Bee nodded. "You get them when you strain to push. Like pushing out a baby. I'm not surprised."

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