Smile in a Hot Way

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Chapter 1:

Roger's P. O. V.

(A Friday evening in 1969)

I was just preparing to go to Smile's band practice, when somebody called me.

"Roger, Roger!" a girl chased me. I turned and found the Chemistry Society's president, Emily.

"What's the matter?" I asked her, curious.

"My society, the Chemistry Society, had just made toothpaste that will be safe to use. We plan to sell the toothpaste to our uni's students." she said breathlessly.

"So?" I asked her. Why is she telling me this? I didn't even join their society.

"Can you do me a favour?" Emily asked me.

"What favour?"

"Can you be our toothpaste ambassador?"

"What's that?" I started to get impatient, knowing that Brian, Tim and Mike will probably complain about me being late when I arrive to the band practice.

(to be continue...)

Chapter 2:

Roger's P. O. V.

"Can you help us promote our toothpaste by being our model? You just have to let us take your photograph holding our toothpaste and attend the opening ceremony of our toothpaste's first day of sale." Emily wiped away the sweat on her forehead.

"No, I can't be your model. Sorry." I told her, walking away.

"Wait!" Emily called me again. "Can you help us, please? You are a dentistry student and the drummer for Smile......"

"I'm not a dentistry student. I changed course to Biology now." I told her. "I'm bored with dentistry."

Emily pleaded again. "Roger, you was a dentistry student. Everybody knew that. And you're also Smile's drummer. Our toothpaste will have good sales with your help. Please? Can you help us?"

"Emily......" I was just about to reject her again as she grabbed my arm.

"Roger, please, you can help our uni if you help us. I'm sure everybody will be proud when we introduce the toothpaste to East London Polytechnic's students."

(to be continue...)

Chapter 3:

Roger's P. O. V.

"Okay I'll help you." I told her, frustrated. I just want to go to the band practice now.

"Thank you Roger!" Emily squeezed my hand. I rolled my eyes.

I went to the practice room only to find the angry faces of Brian, Tim and Mike.

"You're early today, Rog." Tim said sarcastically.

I sighed. "I was stopped by Emily Freestone, she asked me to be her society's teeth ambassador. I just fucking wanted to reject her but she kept on pleading. I had to agree to help her to get here. Just got myself into deep trouble and now you're complaining."

"But you're still late, you promised us to reach here by 8 p.m......." Tim started arguing with me when Brian interrupted our argument.

"Calm down guys, " Brian raised his hands in the air. "let's not argue about this matter, okay? We have to practise."

"Fine." I sat down behind the drum set. Tim muttered something, probably something bad about me. Mike and Brian grabbed their guitars, ready to practise.

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