The Story of Us

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I've never really dreamed of falling in love, or finding my knight in shining armor. I was just, to scared. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple, I was scared of the idea of falling, & someone not being there to catch me.

Almost like, when you see a dollar bill lying on the ground, you arent sure wether to take it, or to leave it there for it's rightful owner to find.

You have that moment of hesitance, the moment when you think of all the good & the bad that could come out of it all. One person changed all of that for me, with him, I never had that moment of hesitance, & I didnt think of the consquences that could happen, or change my entire life.

This man, this savior is none other than Oliver Wood, himself. Yes, I dated the Gryffindor quidditch captain, & we were also, close friends.

Sure, Oliver was obsessed with quidditch, but so was I. I think that's why we lasted as long as we did. But, just as the old saying goes, 'All good things must, must come to an end.'

And, Oliver & I did come to an end, but it wasnt until my 6th year at Hogwarts, meaning it was his 7th. We had begun dating back in my 5th year, his 6th after my sister, Hermione Jean Granger & my best friend, Ginerva Weasley decided that I needed a boyfriend.

It was in the middle of December, & a masqurade ball was to be held at Hogwarts for Yule Tide (Christmas).

Oliver & I werent friends then, so it was no surprise that he had asked Cynthia Rowle to go the ball with him.

I remember standing in front of the floor-ceiling length mirror in Ginny's room, dressed in a gorgeous, white & gold, floor-length gown. The dress had a heart-shaped neckline, & clung to about my ribcage, before cascading down to the floor in a river of silk.

Hermione had pulled my hair back into a beautiful bun, & had lent me her diamond jewelry set. My mask was white, with gold swirls & covered my entire heart-shaped face this, I borrowed from Ginny.

I wore no makeup, & my face was free of any & all blemishes, & even though I looked beautiful, I didnt feel the least bit.

"Now, go & find a boyfriend, Ellie! Or, you're going to end up like Hermione, stuck with a boy like my brother!" Ginny exclaimed, earning a 'hey!' from Hermione, & a loud, musical laugh from me.

"Go & have fun, kiddo. You deserve a night to feel beautiful." Hermione told me, while still glaring at Ginny, from over my shoulder.

I nodded, "Thank you so much for everything, I owe you guys so much." But, Ginny & Hermione just shook their heads, & pushed me out the door, without another word.

After my mask was in place, & my gold gladiator sandals were on my feet, I made my way towards the Grand Staircase. As I walked down the stairs, I heard gasps & whispers from everyone in the room, causing my cheeks to flush.

"She looks beautiful." I heard a 7th year Hufflepuff whisper to her date, "Do you think she goes here?" Another voice asked, this time male.

As soon as I stepped onto the hard, well-polished marble, I quickly made my way over to an empty table, off to the right of the dance floor, & sat down.

After a few moments of playing with the rose on the table, a deep, Scottish voice interrupted my thoughts. "May I have this dance?" He asked, offering me his white, gloved hand.

I nodded, & slipped my small, pale hand into his large, warm one, & he led me to the dance floor. A Christmas Waltz began, & we danced gracefully to it, laughing & talking the whole time.

"So, do ya go to school here, or are ya visitin' a family member?" He had asked me, in his deep, comforting Scottish brogue, which I had yet to get accustomed to, as we strolled through the gardens a little while after our first dance.

"I go here, I'm in my 5th year." I remember answering him, shivering a little from the cold, but not so much to which it was noticable.

"Ah, I'm in my 6th. What is your house?" Another question, "Gryffindor." I answered, & he nodded his head in respect.

"Okay now my turn," I started, "Do you like quidditch?" He grinned, & nodded enthusiastically. "My favorite sport, I play for Gryffindor. Outside of school, what's your favorite team?"

I laughed, "You're going to think I'm crazy, since I love the team so much." He shook his head, "I promise I wont tease you."

"Fine, definietly Puddlemere United." I answered, causing him to pick me up & spin me around. "Thank Merlin! I thought you were going to say the Chuddley Cannons!" He cried happily, still spinning me around.

I laughed again, & my blue eyes, met his brown ones. Time seemed to stop, as we gazed into each other's eyes, before he finally asked, "Will you take your mask off, so tha' I can see who ya are?"

Seeing no harm in doing so, I did as he asked, & untied the ribbon, on the back of my mask. I watched it flutter to the ground, before looking up, for him to see.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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