Chapter One: It's His Making.

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          Hell’s gates were still as terrible as ever. Demons wandered around the burnt streets. Turf wars raged on; and a virtually broken down castle lie on top of a hill. The castle itself was a charcoal color, with most windows cracked, shattered, or just gone in general. Inside this old, rundown, castle was a demon. A demon by the name of...
          Leon (Lee-on).
          He’s the making of oneself nightmares. He’s cruel, cold, and his emotions are nonexistent. After all, he has to keep up his title of “heir to the throne”. Yes. You read right. Leon is a monster. For he has his father’s blood coursing through his veins. A demon is his father. Have you guessed who? I’ll tell you. 
          Lucifer. Deadly, powerful, manipulative, cruel, the words to describe this demon are endless; for how can you describe a demon king? But Leon’s mother broke his father's chains. She was sweet, caring, loving, there aren't enough words to describe her kind soul. With vast blue eyes like an ocean, so beautiful and calm, she captured the captivating demon, her pearly white smile bringing the devil himself to his knees. Her beauty couldn't be captured in a picture, but if anything she looked like this:

 Her beauty couldn't be captured in a picture, but if anything she looked like this:

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His father had fallen deeply in love with her, and she had fallen for him. But she wasn’t a demon. His father thought she was an angel, and to his misfortune, she was. His mother, Eliza (E-lies-a), was the daughter of someone who his father had despised. God. God’s daughter fell into the claws of the devil. And the devil had held the soft hands of an angel.

          Falling in love with a demon? What was Eliza thinking? 


          Leon slithered along the hallways, his breath thin, no sound was heard as he slipped up and down corridors. The maid—Selene—stopped him on his fifth run through. 
          “Lele dear, what’s wrong?” Her sweet voice was just a disguise according to Leon; but her "highly venomous fangs", apparently, but they were kept well hidden. She had small horns poking just above her head. She was wearing a conventional maid outfit, which Leon knew she obviously hated. From certain view points, she looked like this, except her outfit was less revealing.


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“What’s. Wrong?” She asked again, her demonic voice showing ever so slightly. 
          “Nothing,” Leon mumbled. He was about to continue walking when a claw was placed on his neck. “I said I'm fine, Selene. Get off me.” 
          “Oh dear, your father wouldn’t like this attitude…” 
          “You think I care?” 
          “Aw, Lele!” Selene opened her claws, she smiled revealing those poisoned fangs. She jumped on Leon, as the corners of his mouth slowly lifted up. “You were gone for so long! It’s so difficult, dealing with your father and such, it was awful!” Still somewhat smiling, Leon chuckled a bit. Although, he had to admit—he missed her too. Even so his father thought Selene was nothing more than a maid fit for doing his bidding, an assassin who wouldn’t dare touch him, for her “worthless” life was on the line. But to Leon, on the other hand, she was his best friend, much older than him, but far less mature. “I wish you were mortal, then I’d be able to slice that throat of yours,” she sighed.
         “And I wish you’d burn in hell, so your screams filled the air, and the demons would rejoice,” they chuckled at each other. As to most it could be seen as sibling rivalry, nothing more, and nothing less. It was more though, the love friends feel for one another. It portrayed a powerful love of—boom—friend—boom—..ship..?—boom!

          Thunder? No, there’s no thunder in hell, what is that? Then they sensed it; an overwhelming power that left shivers up their spines. Leon scoffed before the source of power was even in sight, Selene on the other hand was “examining” a window curtain for “dirt”. Then it came. A man was walking towards them. His heels clicking, jaw chiseled, wearing a red shirt with gold buttons. A chain ran from one side of his shirt to the other, and wings. Giant black wings, feathered and fluffed to the max, with the tips a dark almost invisible red. “It’s him..” It glared at him, but immediately whipped it’s head to Selene. 
          “You. Maid. Get away from the curtain. And what’re you doing around my son?” His eyes narrowed, staring into Selene’s very soul. If she weren’t already dead, she would’ve crumbled to death. 
          “M-master! I was welcoming L-Leon dear, back!” The man just stared at Selene, his emotion unnervingly never changing as he growled: “Get out of my sight before I get rid of yours,” Selene, her expression unchanging—but slightly disappointed—hustled away. Turning around quickly, she stuck her tongue out at Leon, earning a hushed laugh from him. Although, Leon’s eyes quickly snapped to his father when he heard a thundering boom from him. “What now?” 
          “Stop talking to that maid,” confused, Leon tilted his head slightly in a mixed confusion look. “Worthless, just get out of my face.” Leon moved, and silently growled as his father walked away with his causal booming steps. Seemingly alone, Leon mumbled, “How did you deal with that man for millennium?” Selene sighed, suddenly appearing from behind the same red flushed curtain. 

          “Honestly, I’m so glad you’re nothing like that demon. If you were, our relationship would be very different,” Selene sighed, taking a long look at her demonic best friend.
          “Leon..” Hearing his real name from Selene, and seeing her expression it almost hurt him. Selene is the only demon he can feel comfortable around; so his wolf-like ears flattened saddeningly at her expression. “Next time you go see your mother…  I'd like to see her, is that fine?” 
          “Ah, yes, but why the long look?” Leon seemed sadly confused, he wasn't one for showing emotions, but Selene brought them out. “I--I hate to say this, but… I’m quitting…” Selene looked down, her acidic tears falling and slowly eating the wood floors. Leon looked surprised, hurt, and betrayed. Would he be alone once again..?
        "Selene.. not you too…” Selene nodded sadly, still looking down. “I have to, Leon, I promise I’ll visit you, and I'd like you to come to the sanitarium (a sanitarium is almost like a mental hospital) in 9 months from now,” Leon refused to let tears fall, but he was confused, 9 months? Why must that sound so awfully familiar? Selene looked up, she searched his eyes for a similar feeling before speaking, “You’re confused, I get it. Even so, Leon, you’re my best friend and by far my favorite demon. You know I’d never leave you for no reason,” setting her claws on Leon’s shoulders, her face lit up. “Lele! I have an idea!” His face tilted and his ears fell to one side, “go to school!” He looked surprised and confused. School? As in go to the human world? “The human world?” She nodded, as if she had just thought of the greatest idea in the whole universe. “It’ll pass time quickly! Just think, you won’t have to see this face for a whole 9 months!” She urged him, and he nodded. Yes, he shall go to the human world, enroll in a “school”, hopefully the time will pass quickly, and he’ll get to learn things he probably already knows. He ducked down and out of Selene’s grasp. “One more thing Lele: DON’T YOU FREAKING DARE USE YOUR GODDAMN POWERS!” Leon sulked annoyed, and starting hand mouthing her words. “Lele I'm serious. They'll imprison you. Humans don't like those who are different. Here take this,”


Did I do it?? A cliffhanger?? Oh well, this is the first part of chapter one. The next part should be out within the next week or so.

Thanks for reading!

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