Chapter One: It's His Making (continuation)

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“Lele no. It's a photo.”
          “Yes, a photo, see? Look it here,” Selene pointed to herself in a sundress striped with sunflowers. Instead of an ashy grey, her skin was a light peach color, Leon looked at the photo, then back at Selene, it’s official. They’re not the same person. “That’s me.” Selene spoke, but he knew it was a lie. There is absolutely no way. “Don’t believe me?” The look on his face was obvious. 
         Clouds of dust, swirling like a slithering snake, engulfed her, and she emerged as that stunning girl in the picture. Yet she still had the same clothes on, thankfully. “Believe me now?” Huh. So it was her. Leon waved one of his claws in dismissal, “I knew it from the beginning…” Selene smiled, and hugged him, 
          “I’m gonna miss you—although I suggest you tell your father you’re leaving though, or he’ll throw a hissy fit. Oh heavens above, that demon is like a child without it’s mother.” 
          “I will,” he let her hug him, before she pulled away pushing him towards the dining room. “Bye~!” Selene, smiling with all her glory, vanished.
         Hallway after hallway he walked, the walls themselves seemed to follow him. Annoyed as he was all it took was a snap, and boom. Not wanting to look at his father, he slouched on the wall. Must he see his father? He’s only leaving, and he won’t be missed. Although Selene was right. He’d have no peace if he didn’t tell his father, he could almost envision it; demon hellhounds sniffing around the world, finding him anywhere and any place within seconds. Stupid hellhounds. 
          As if on cue, Rei—his adorable demon puppy—padded up to him with soft paws. Rei was adorable with her soft violet eyes, and under those eyes were white patches that basically engulfed half her face. But the rest of her body looked like a normal demon hellhound: all black with blotches of dark red. All except her paws, they were also a beautiful white. Rei was given to Leon on his 3rd birthday, by his mother. Both hybrids clicked immediately. Alas, tragedy struck when some demon infiltrated their home.
          Rei tried to stop the intruder but got struck instead. The yelp caused Lucifer to turn his head—must he always save that ratched pup? Annoyed, the demon king snapped his way to the entrance. There, he saw them. The pup, clearly weak and trembling; but still barking and growling. And the intruder, Alvata, was towering over the weak puppy. That’s Alvata for you, preying on those weaker than he himself. Those who could beat the demon Alvata (although those numbers were small) never had the guts to attack their king, but Alvata did. 
          Lucifer stood in front of the oak, halfway broken door. Should he attack? Or should he let Alvata kill the pup? He wouldn’t have time to chose, for his son, 3 three at the time, wandered into the room yawning. Clutching his blanket, Leon asked in a soft voice: “What’s going on…?” That aroused another question, shall he let his three year old son take care of this multi-thousand year demon? Oh well. Lucifer stepped back, watching in amusement. “What are you doing to Rei…?” Leon had mumbled quietly. 
         “Ugh, didn’t think the kid would wake up…”
         “Answer me.”
         “Huh? No. Kid go back to sleep.” 
         “If you don’t get away from Rei I’ll… I’ll…” 
         “You’ll what? Bite me?” 
         “I’ll kill you.” 
         “Kids these days…” Alvata turned around and there it was. The light. What had happened…? As his vision faded he saw a boy. The boy. His mouth was dripping blood, and wolf ears had grown atop his fluffed head. “I told you to get away from Rei.” The boy had the weak puppy in his arms, petting her black fur. 
He was dying. How? Alvata hadn’t seen a thing, but death was knocking. Then, a red demon with ashy grey eyes peered at him. “Step back Leon.” The little boy waddled backwards a few steps, then… 


          I saw the blood, I wasn’t scared though. I had Rei. Holding my gaze at the demon, I saw how the blood slides down the wooden floor, acting like a river. I saw how the droplets stopped and started. I felt the blood cover my face like an unwanted pillow. I… I tasted the metallic blood. And I, I looked at my father with hope in my bi-colored eyes. Do you know what that monster said to me? “Change your blue eye, and go back to sleep.” Yes, when I was born I had two different colored eyes. An ocean blue one, like my mother’s, and an ashy grey one, like my father’s. I didn’t think much of it, for I was only 3, but looking back on it now… my father really wanted to erase my mother’s existence. That is why I despise him. 

          “You know what?” Leon turned around impatiently, “I’m not going to tell him.” Although, to make sure he didn’t send out a search party, Leon wrote him a note. Today’s the day. Leon is officially leaving hell! He walked outside, slid his hands in his pockets, and threw a hood over his head and of course you can’t forget the headphones. As he walked among the havoc raising streets, he listened to one of his favorite songs on repeat: IDFC by blackbear. While listening to the song he felt as if he could relate, although he had no one to love, no one to hide his feelings from. 
          Sliding his headphones off, he sighed. There’s the portal. It’s now or never. 
Before he had time to regret his decision, Leon jumped through.

A/N: Chapter 2 in maybe the next week or so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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