Replacing the Queen Bee

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A/N (go to the stars to skip)

Hi guys. Okay I started a story earlier and cut it short basically because I don't feel that anyone was reading it. I've thought about it and I'm going to start a new story- but one with a whole new theme. Ya know, maybe something that doesn't involve child abuse and a demented 16 year old. No biggie. And so yes, this is the start people!! Okay I can't think of a title so if anyone has any titles that would be über-fantabulous. Ok.

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"Move over geek" Annabelle hissed and walked past me with her clique of fake barbies, their skirts way too short, showing their almost anorexic legs.

Honestly by now it had become normal, I don't know why but Annabelle and her posse seemed to have it out for me. She hated me and purposely tried to make my life a living hell. One day I swear on my life I will get revenge on her. She has made my life horrible, I do everything to stay home. Because of her I hate going out.

Back in middle school she got her whole posse to call me fat. Sometimes they'd walk past me and whisper things like "cow", "pig", and other rude names. I stopped eating in general, believing them and then later got hospitalized, but that was back when I used to care about what other people though of me.

Earlier that year she told everyone that my dad made his money from selling crack and owning a whore house, she even said that sometimes I'd go out and work for my dad. As a prostitute. After this every girl thought I was a slut and every guy only saw me as a sex object.

Now by high school everyone forgot about the rumors but Annabelle likes to constantly remind me every time I walk into the cafeteria and get food. I think its her pathetic way of showing that she's so popular, sitting with all of the stupid preps while I walk down the hallways acting like if I'm actually doing something. She tells me little things like "are you sure that cookie's gonna go well with your thunder thighs Emily?" "I don't know about those extra 100 calories Em, we wouldn't want to go back to our old ways would we?". She knows it hits home, and I think that's why she does it. Her clique always laughs at her snotty remarks but honestly, if it weren't for her fake boobs, fake attitude, and bitchiness, she would probably be left behind. I don't think they actually care about her, they're just in for the ride and when high school's over she'll be that stupid alcoholic college drop out who's stuck back on the "good old high school days" so she can go rot in hell.

Lucky for me, I won't have to wait for her death to finally see her suffer. I already have a plan and it'll involve her popularity, the asshole she likes, and the whores that follow her. By the time I'm done with her all they'll think about will be Emily Spencer.

Plans on bitches.


Might post a chapter two. Motivate me.. One comment and I can promise you a second chapter!

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