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"Callaghan's in there. Someone has to help."

His sudden words shocked his little brother as Hiro held his arm, attempting to stop his decision. He noticed the hurt expression in Hiro's brown eyes and how his shoulders were trembling. Hiro's lips were set at a grim line as his eyes met Tadashi's. He hated to leave his brother, but somebody had to save Professor Callaghan.


Shaking away from his brother's grip, Tadashi ran towards the flames in the building. The inferno was spreading rapidly, devouring the showcase building as it burned all the amazing inventions. He could hear the desperate yelling of Hiro calling his name, but he didn't bother to look back for a mere second. There was no time to say any meaningful words to his brother or to embrace Hiro with a hug before going in. The building was already a ticking time bomb, ready to explode any second. What only matters is saving his professor.

Tadashi was the kind of person who wouldn't let a moment like this slip away from his fingers. He was born with the natural instinct to help others, and that instinct also gave him the idea of constructing Baymax in order to do so. Tadashi is soft-hearted and couldn't resist helping out someone in need no matter who they are. He doesn't think of the situation at hand when he is focused on helping others, so his heart always leads him into trouble. However, Hiro was more practical and knows whether or not he should risk his life to help another person. Even he wouldn't go into a dangerous circumstance like this in order to save someone.

Regardless, Tadashi was thankful that Hiro wasn't like him, or else Hiro would also be in danger if he ran into the building himself. He wanted Hiro to be safe outside, where no flames could touch him.

As he entered the building, he hacked roughly from the sudden smoke entering his lungs. He immediately missed the cool night breeze outside as he felt the hot warmth on his skin. Thoughts of regret and doubt came into his mind, but Tadashi pushed them away. Despite his doubts, he pushed through the haze and the spiraling vapors. His stomach dropped as he saw the massive flames encasing the familiar stairways and everything in it. The interesting and detailed inventions he once admired at the showcase was quickly consumed and destroyed by the harsh blazes. Black specs fluttered out of the flames, letting out sounds of hisses and crackling. The fact that he would find his professor here would be a miracle. Of course, it was common sense to not go inside a building while it was on fire. He could almost hear Gogo or Wasabi judging him for making such a stupid and reckless decision.

"This is a bad idea. You're going to get yourself killed if you go in there."
"Are you crazy?! Going into a burning building is not only dangerous, but also fatal!"

The strong stench of the acrid smoke stung his nostrils and he struggled with breathing easily. He tugged up the collar of his shirt to cover his face to the brim of his nose, his mind shifting to finding his professor. The roaring blazes were ignored as Tadashi ran through daringly.Tadashi squints and rubs his eyes, his vision blurring from the hazy smoke clouds. Unsure of whether or not he was heading in the right direction to where Callaghan is trapped, he went onward anyway, crossing his fingers to find his professor. He would rather think about finding an unconscious, alive Callaghan and not stumbling into his corpse.

This was a mistake.

It was extremely hot and he started to feel groggy, his head spinning from his coughing fits. Tadashi felt like he was in an oven being cooked alive, and it wasn't a good feeling. It was as if the heat inside was building up quickly and was ready to consume the entire structure. He calls out Callaghan's name to no avail, thrown into another coughing fit when he yelled. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought of the family Callaghan would leave behind, especially his daughter that his professor always talked about.

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