Chapter 1

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Huey was lying quietly on his bed. Frida sat next to him, keeping him cool with her magic so his fever wouldn't get too high.

"Aunt Frida, is he gonna be okay?" Dewey asked from his bed.

"He'll be fine," Frida assured him. "He just needs rest right now."

"Why can't you heal him?" Louie asked.

"He's got something that I can't cure. Remember when everyone had colds?"

Of course they remembered; it had been last month when the whole family came down with severe colds, and Frida wasn't the kind of Runestone to deal with it.

"Aunt Frida, I don't feel good," Huey said.

"I know, Huey," Frida said, holding him in her arms. "It'll be okay, my little duckling."

"He can't get us sick, can he?" Louie asked.

"I don't know."

Louie walked out, tapping the screen of his phone and watching things as he did so.

Frida rolled her eyes; although she'd never admit it, Louie was probably her least favorite triplet because of all the things they had in common.

Huey hugged her tight, and she could feel his fever-driven warmth. Dewey came up to the bed and also hugged her, but backed up.

"Huey seems a little too hot," he said. "Are you sure you're keeping his fever down?"

"I'm quite sure I am," Frida said, bringing a thermometer to Huey's mouth.

About a few seconds later, it beeped. 103.4, a rather high temperature for poor Huey.

"Aww, you poor thing," Frida said, cooling down Huey with her magic again.

Louie walked back in.

"Hey, Frida, could you do something for me really quick?" he asked, waving his phone in the air

Frida brought Louie's phone over to her with telekinesis and looked at what was on the screen. Apparently, he was trying to win in eBay bids.

"Louie, with what money are you going to get these things?" she asked.

"Well, you could get them for me," he responded.

"I'm not rich, and I won't have you wasting Scrooge's money."

"But, I need those things!"

"Since when did you need a recliner? There's a few around here."

"But, that one's brand-new! And they only sell it in the Southwest part of the States! It's supposed to be really comfortable."

"Puh-lease, I'm from the Southwest, and there's nothing much besides sand, cacti, rattlesnakes, and the occasional Eegee's trip. You don't need this recliner."

"Please, Frida? I need all that stuff. Okay, then, forget the recliner, and buy everything else."

Frida tossed the phone back to Louie. He noticed that if he tried to access eBay or anything else that required money, it would stop working properly.

"You broke my phone!" he yelled.

"No, I simply blocked everything that you've been using money to get through to stuff," Frida said, back turned to him as she was holding Huey.

Louie couldn't believe it; when Frida first arrived, she was really nice and let him do whatever he wanted on his phone. Now, she was controlling it with her blasted Runestone magic, and the only things he could access were his downloaded recordings of Ottoman Empire and his photos.

"I hate you, Frida," he muttered as he walked back out of the room.

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