Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful spring day in Avonlea on Prince Edward Island . The sun shone, birds were chirping, luscious flowers bloomed everywhere, and the Lake of Shining Waters glistened like never before. It was the perfect day for a wedding. However, in the Gillis and Spurgeon house, everything was HECTIC. Because not only was that day perfect for a wedding, it was the day for a wedding, the wedding of Moody Spurgeon and Ruby Gillis. Although, things weren't going as smoothly as planned...

In the Gillis house, Ruby had been pacing her room, mumbling her wedding vows wearing just her underthings and her corset, when she knocked over a vase of flowers on her nightstand. Most of the water got on the floor, but some splashed on her wedding gown hanging on the door of her closet. The girls tried to handle the situation as calmly as possible, but Ruby being herself, burst into tears.

Jane and Josie were busy cleaning up the spill, Tillie was trying to dry the wet spot on the dress, and Anne and Diana were attempting to calm poor Ruby down. "Why today?" She wailed. "Why couldn't I have knocked that vase over yesterday or the day before that, but why TODAY??" The tears never seemed to stop pouring from her eyes. Anne stroked her hair and Diana handed Ruby a handkerchief.

"There, there Ruby. It's alright." Diana, who was the maid of honor, said soothingly. "I promise you, it's just pre-wedding nerves-" Ruby stood up indignantly.

"But why does this have to happen to ME on MY wedding day? It's supposed to be the happiest day of my life but it's turning into a nightmare. It's not fair!" All the girls stopped what they were doing and looked at Ruby. Diana's and Anne's eyes met and Diana motioned for Anne to help the weeping bride. She approached Ruby and sat the girl down on her bed.

"Ruby, do you love Moody?" Anne asked softly. Ruby nodded.

"And you said yes when he proposed to you?" Anne added. Ruby sniffled and again nodded.

"And do you believe you'll be forever happy with him not only as your husband, but as your life partner?" Anne inquired, her voice filled with passion. Ruby looked at Anne.

"Why of course!" Anne wiped a tear from Ruby's eye.

"Then that's all that matters. Who cares if you look bedraggled or beautiful walking down the aisle." She took Ruby's hand. "All that matters is that you are going to be united with your true love today." Ruby laughed as the last of tears trickled down her face.

"Oh, Anne." She said. She leaned forward and hugged her red-headed friend. "Thank you." Anne laughed.

"Come, Ruby," Jane said. "Let's get your hair fixed."

"I'll take your dress outside for a bit." Tillie said. Josie stood up.

"That's a splendid idea. With this beautiful sun, it will be dry in no time." Josie said cheerfully. All the girls were in their third year of college, but in that moment, they seemed to have reverted to their younger selves: happy and carefree, laughing and doing each other's hair. The mood finally lightened up in the Gillis household as Ruby prepared to be betrothed to Moody Spurgeon.

Although, just as frantic as the energy was in the Gillis's house, the same presence was felt in the Spurgeon house as Moody prepared to wed the love of his life...

A Union of Equals, Life Partners, Moody Spurgeon and Ruby GillisWhere stories live. Discover now