New Case

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Third person P.O.V
     "What! Another murder scene!" Jin yelled out shocked at what he just heard.
"Yes, and we want you to solve it." Said the police chief. "You are really good and intelligent at solving these specific cases that's why we brought you here to ask if you could do the job." Explained the police chief calmly.  Jin stayed quiet for at least 5 minutes deciding if he could solve this case or not. It's not that it was hard for Jin but the problem is the location of the murder scene is. It's at one of the most dangerous clubs in Seoul and it's the 5th dead body the police have found this week! Jin just got to the conclusion that he will do it since that's his job as a detective. "Yes I'll do it, and I won't let you down!" Jin said putting his hand out to shake the Police Chiefs. The police chief just smiled and shakes Jin's hand "I know you won't let me down, could you start investigating right now I know it's a bit late but I really want this case to be solved as soon as possible if it's ok with you of course." The police chief said looking straight at Jin's beautiful doe eyes. "Yes I can start now. I'll head there now." He replies gathering his stuff. "See you again Detective Jin." Said the tall Police Chief. Jin waved back and smiled.

Seokjin's P.O.V
I opened the big glass doors to meet with the cold breeze outside I just shivered and walked over to my car. I got in and turned on the car I can here my cars engine roar. I turned to my left to put my seatbelt on. I then went in reverse and left the Police station heading to the Club where the murder scene was at. I can't believe that it's the 5th body this week at the same place is there some kind of gang going there everyday or something. And with that I was already there. I gulped. I just stared at the huge building with eyes wide open. "I can do this. This is my job after all." I said to myself. I turned off my car and walked around the huge building that was called "All Nighters" glowing on top of the 3 huge entrance doors. I figured the dead bodies would be inside so I went to grab the door handle but it wouldn't open. I figured it must be close and locked I tried looking inside but it was dark. Luckily I'm a detective and I know how to unlock doors with bobby pins. I pulled out a bobby pin from my hair and tried opening the door which worked! I smiled and opened it and went inside. To find 5 dead bodies in a pile I gasped at the bloody scene. I couldn't believe my eyes. "These poor people!" I said loudly and headed to the bodies it smelled awful but I didn't care. I just wanted to solve this case. "Hmm so it does look like a bullet went through his head and on that body it looks like it was stabbed directly in the heart....oh well but I need some clues....I should have brought my magnify glass. But this case looks like It's going to take a while." I said nodding to myself scanning through each body. "Oh what do we have here~" said a deep voice. I turned around to see a tall man with a black mask on looking at me. "Oh! I'm here under investigation." I said clearly shocked. "Really? Under investigation?" The man said mockingly. "So what! Do you have a problem with detectives or something huh!" Jin spoke out loudly standing up from his position. The only thing the tall man can do is laugh. "Come out." He said while laughing. I  just stared at him with a confused look but then I could see I was surrounded with 5 other men with the same black mask. I just stayed frozen not knowing exactly what to do. "Um I think I'm done I'm gonna go." I said smiling and pointing to the doors. I was about to head to the door but a pair of hands grabbed my arms. The pair of arms turned me to face a smaller man. "Let me go!" I yelled on the top of my lungs angrily. "Aww he's so cute when he's mad." Said the small boy with plump lips behind the black mask. "Grrrgghhhh" I growled at him. "But unfortunately we have to take him with us."said the small boy smiling and then all I could remember is getting punched and everything going black. 

All P.O.V
     I opened my eyes to a sharp pain in my arms. Then my eyes adjusted to the bright light in the room where I was it looked like a basement. I groaned at the pain in my arms. I look up to see that I'm chained up from the ceiling. I quickly look down and I sigh in relief once I see I'm still in my clothes. I hear a door swung open. "Is the handsome boy awake?" Said a high pitched voice familiar to the boy with plump lips he saw last night even if the boy wore a mask he can still see plump lips. "Where am I and why am I tied up!" I yelled out once all the 6 men entered the room. "You're chained up because we will teach you a lesson right now pretty boy~" said a muscular man winking at me. I stood there with a shocked face. "What are you going to do!" No one answered until I started saying what I wanted to say to them.

Hello everyone this is my first ever fanfic thank you for reading it I'm sorry if I wasn't well grammar  or well written I'm sorry I am still failing English class :/ I hope you enjoyed!!^^ oh and all these pictures aren't mine so yeah :/

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