Football star

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Jackie's POV

The whole school was in an up roar as our team made another touch down, we were winning 20/10 only a couple more rounds to go.
My boyfriend playing for this team and I was so exited, this was the first game they would win and I was going to be here! I had been in Germany visiting family for the last three weeks of school and we have been calling and FaceTiming everyday and I was going to be here for the first game he would win! This was all a surprise set up by his parents, he still dose not know I'm back he thinks I'm still on a plane but I'm in the stands watching him play with a proud smile on my face.
I was still slightly upset tho, he wants to keep our relationship on the down low because everybody thinks he's as straight as a board while that's a fucking lie.
"Hunny when they win the coach is going to open the gate for you, so be ready for the thumbs up" his mom smiled, she loves me and has been talking to me about this for the past week telling me how much he misses me and how much he's hated school without me there, but now that I'm back, I guess we get to come out to the whole school.
It was the last round and he scored the final touchdown, the school went into another uproar as they all ran back to the benches, the coach opened the gate giving me my thumbs up.
I smiled wide as I set my stuff down and ran down the bleachers and past people with confused glares.
I jumped down to the field practically tackling josh "you did so well!" I smiled as I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck.
I'm guessing he was in shock because he didn't do anything for a second "when did you get back?!" He said softly throwing his helmet off, finally grabbing my legs so I wouldn't slide.
"I got back this morning, your mom wanted it to be a surprise" I said softly, my voice muffled from my face being nuzzled in the crook of his neck.
We had barely realized the praises we were getting from most the students in the bleachers, the other team seemed shocked at the public display.
The parents walked from the bleachers to congratulate their children as his mom and dad came running down with smiles.
"Good surprise?" His mom asked as we all laughed, we had been talking with some of the other parents when the other team came over with their parents and angry looking coaches.
"I'm sorry we were not informed that there was a homosexual on your team Florence" the opposing sides coach crossed his arms over his chest. "Is there something wrong with that?" Max, our teams coach asked with an agitated look on his face. "Yes! What if that boy had done anything to my team?!" The man yelled and that's when I looked up with a twitching eyebrow, I'm a baseball player and this has never been a problem with my teammates being outwardly gay during games, this is just wrong!
"Excuse me?" I yelled pushing away from josh, I may not be the strongest but I have a pretty good grip and I could knock somebody out if I wanted to.
"What are you doing here boy? This is between coaches" the homophobic asshole rubs his forehead in aggravation, "how dare you accuse my boyfriend of doing anything to your pack of pussys!" I yelled ready to swing on this piece of shit "Jackie stop! We're going home k? The team and some other people are coming over to celebrate our win k?" Josh said softly wrapping an arm around my waist "alright let's go" I said with a grumble as we walked back to the gate to leave.
We all walked to the cars "are you riding with the team or with us?" Joshes parents asked him he shook his head no " I will ride with jack, the cheer leaders are in the bus right now" his parents nodded getting in their pick up.
"Meet at my house boys!" Josh yelled to the team as we walked to my jet black Shelby mustang getting in.
"I missed you so much baby" He smiled kissing my cheek "I missed you to love" I smiled as my car started with a roar and I pulled out and onto the road.

*time skip to joshes house*

Josh had just got out of the shower and we were laying on the couch, his mom handed us both a beer as we cuddled on the couch "thanks you" I smiled tiredly "awe hunny you must be so tired from the plane" his mom frowned as she herd the boys screaming and Barging into her house. "Alright get one thing clear I am not feeding anybody but my son and Jackie, none of my drinks will be gone or I'll beat you all I got the ok from all parents!" She screamed walking out of the room "uhg, you guys have fun I'll go cuddle with your dogs" I grumble walking out of the room and into joshes bedroom where his two German shepherds Luna and gray were laying on his bed. I yawned sleepily as I climbed into bed getting comfortable under the covers the dogs instantly finding more comfortable places to sleep than the end of the bed. I grabbed the PS4 remote turning on a movie.
I laid there for awhile before I heard giggling and then the door burst open, the cheer leaders "what are you doing in here and Lorraine said you guys couldn't have her drinks!" I yelled sitting up both dogs perked their heads glaring at the girls.
Fun fact both dogs are guard dogs and are trained to attack.
"Oh she won't mind we are pretty girls who can produce children so I mean we just have to take care of you and then we will be the replacements" the girls smiled walking into the room "stay away from me" my voice shook slightly as the dogs stood up growling lowly, the walked closer to the bed. "Alert" I whispered quietly as I grabbed the dogs callers and all hell broke loose the dogs started jumping braking snarling and snapping their jaws at the three girls who were in complete shock, about thirty seconds later I could hear the yelling stop and Josh pretty much screaming oh shit. "Jackie are you alright?" He yelled as I heard a couple pairs of feet running up the stairs soon stopping behind the three girls paralyzed "what's going on?" Josh asked looking at me with a worried look "th-they came in here threatening me" I stuttered as josh shoved people out of the way "get out everybody get the hell out!" Josh yelled as everybody left the door could be heard opening and shutting hastily.
" search" I said matter of factly letting the dogs go they both ran off to search the house.
"Oh baby" josh said softly walking over getting in bed with me "hmm" I hummed cuddling up to his chest once he was next to me, "I'm sorry" he hummed wrapping his arms around my waist.
And with that we both drifted off to dream land.

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