Say My Name

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I sat on the ledge of the building, looking over and wondered. 

"You could use a buddy, don't you want a pal?" He pauses, standing behind me and waiting for my response. 

"'Yes I do! Yes, I do!' Dude, the way I see it... your daddy should be leavin' and you should stick around." He continues, mocking me. 

And kill him!

I spun my head around as I heard a small voice in my head. 

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He says quickly, shrugging his shoulders.

"So, Kaden, don't end yourself, defend yourself." He continued rambling on and flexed his arms, "Daddy is the one you should maim! Together, we'll exterminate; assassinate!" 

"No!" I yell, him putting the image of my sliced up father in my brain.

"Finer points can wait but first, you gotta say my name!"

He started circling me as I got up and walked down the ledge.

"Go ahead and jump but that won't stop him, here you've got a solid plan B option." He started again, walking in front of me before turning around.

"I can bring your daddy so much pain, all you gotta do is say my name!" He raises his arms like I've won a prize or something.

"Dude just say it three times in a row and you won't believe how far I'll go." He grabs ahold of my shoulders and points off in the sky in front of us. He sits on the ledge in front of me for a brief second.

"I'm on the bench but Coach- Just put me in the game! All you gotta do is say my name!" He begs but I cross my arms.

"I don't know your name," I say as I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, I can't say it.."

"How about... a game of charades?" I suggest. It can't be that hard. I put my hands on my hips as his eyes light up.

"Yes let's play it!" He says and holds up two fingers.

"Two words..."

"Right." He points to the second finger.

"Second word?"

"Uh-huh." He pretends to take a sip of something.






"NO!" He makes a box outline with his hands and pretends to sip from a straw.



"Okay, first word..."

"Okay," Somethingjuice says as he turns himself into a bug.




"Close, but no."


"YES!" He turns back into his human form, looking happily evil. 


"Wow, I'm impressed... my friends call me Venturian. All you gotta do is say my name three times. Three times in a row in a row, it must be spoken unbroken. Ready?" I laugh and look at him.

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