Roller Skates

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[(A/N): there's a lot of foul language in this chapter lol and oh while I was proof reading, I forgot I kept the word snogging in so for those of you who don't know what it means it's basically making out :3 and tbh this chapter started as a filler chapter but I added some things here and there so enjoy! xoxo]

From: Paisley Braxton
To: Linh Tylers
Hey I'm coming over and we kinda need to talk...

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I glanced over to the clock, 10:37 a.m. I pushed off my covers and threw on some sweat pants and a jacket. I went downstairs and by the time I got to the bottom Paisley walked through the door, "please don't get weirded out or mad but," her voice softened, "Jase and I might be a thing soon." I coughed, "huh?" I was shocked, ew my brother? Are we talking about the same Jase? "How did this happen?" I asked looking at her, "um yesterday, after you left I was still in your room looking for your sweater and Jase walked in looking for your charger and we ended up talking and watching a movie, it was really cute! He's definitely your opposite!" She lightly laughed and put her head down slightly, "I don't want this to affect our friendship, cause you know if I had to, I would chose you over him any day!" I laughed, "I'm totally weirded out by this but if he makes you happy than go for it! Just don't start kissing and crap so soon!" Her face turned pink, "woops kissing already happened," she laughed while I fake gagged.

While Paisley was in the bathroom, I snuck into Jase's room. He was at his desk with his laptop, his back was facing me so I tip-toed behind him. He was sitting in a rolling chair so tipped and pulled back the chair causing him to scream. I laughed so hard, he turned around, "what the fuck, I could've died!" I couldn't control my laughter, "but you didn't! And I'm just getting even!" He looked confused, "even for what?" I snorted, "for kissing and basically going to be dating my best friend!" I continued to laugh and turned on my heel to walk out. He snorted out, "you're horrible, you know that! And hey wait you have no room to talk either!"

Paisley and I were spread out on my bed watching Netflix, "you wanna go do something?" Paisley asked turning off the movie, "hmm let's go roller skating!" I've always wanted to go roller skating. "Let's bring the guys!" Paisley innocently smiled, I rolled my eyes at her, "just no PDA, got it." She batted her lashes playing innocent. I threw my pillow at her, "let's get ready cause we both look homeless." We changed out of our sweats, Paisley borrowed a pair of my jeans that were rolled at the shins and my 'Baby Got Back' half shirt. I looked through my still unpacked boxes, I threw on my white crop top and high waited black shorts with a loose burgundy cardigan.

Shortly after I called Luke and told Jase the plan, all four of us were in Derek's car. "Linh, Derek wants you to drive cause he supposedly doesn't trust my driving," he huffed jumping in the back seat. "I don't blame him," Luke laughed getting into the front passenger seat. Paisley scooted in the back. "Paisley you sit at one window and Jase at the other," I said fixing the rear view mirror, Jase groaned, "yes mom."

The car ride was so annoying, Jase was whining about who knows what, Paisley was teasing him about whatever the hell he was whining about and Luke would just keep messing Jase making him whine about shit. I swear I feel like a babysitter with these people. To my relief we finally got to the rink, I got out of the car as fast as I could and started walking in already. "Asshole! Didn't even wait for everyone!" Jase shouted at me. I stopped and accounted to five and continued walking, "not my fault you can't keep up!"

I laced up my skates and waited for Luke to do the same. I got up first and extended my hand to him, "my lady," I cracked a smile, he shook his head and laughed at me, "what a gentleman." We held hands and carefully walked into the rink, it was kind of scary at first cause I lacked in balance but I got a hang of it and picked up the pace. Luke, on the other hand, was a natural. He had perfect balance and posture, it seemed like I was restraining him because of how slow I started. "Looks like you've done this before," I pointed out, he smiled, "Sure have! I love to skate, it's super fun, but I'm guessing this is your first time." I laughed, "that obvious?" Finally catching up to Luke, I looked around to find Paisley, and oh ew they haven't even stepped foot in the rink. They're making out in the corner by the public lockers. Luke look toward where I was staring, "we should be doing that too," he joked, I gave him a light smack on the chest, "you wish!" He rubbed his chest, "well we should!"

Luke and I did a couple more laps then waddled off the rink. "That was so much fun," I gushed. "We should do this more often, and maybe we'll leave the others behind so it'll just be the two of us," he said placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I smiled then sat down on one of the benches to take my skates off, and Luke sat right next to me. I got up to go return my skates when I bumped someone else hard, causing myself to be knocked off balance, "seriously watch where you're going," the girl grunted. "I'm sorry I- wait... Tracy Mathews?" I said stunned looking at the girl. "Who the fuck are you?" She spat at me, eyeing me. She had changed, a lot. Her once long beautiful blonde hair was choppy and half of her head was shaved. Her face seemed fuller and she looked a little taller than I remember, "you don't recognize me?" I asked, she hesitated and looked at me. Her eyes widen, "of fucking course, Linh Tylers," she scoffed, "since when did you come back?" "I came back about two weeks ago, how have you been?" I asked looking her in her face, I saw how vulnerable she had seemed, she had something going on and it was eating her up. "Why the hell do you even care? I don't like you remember? So you can go fuck yourself!" She yelled and stormed off. Well, if one thing didn't change about her, it was that she's still a bitch. Luke wrapped an arm around me, "you ok? Don't mind her, Tracy's been on edge ever since the start of Junior year. She started to drink and now she can't really control it. Plus as you could tell she has anger management issues, so don't let her bug you. And she kinda refuses to seek help but it's whatever's," I understood where she was coming from, having a problem, and as much of a bitch she is to me, I don't want to see her suffer. "How do you know so much about that?" Luke rubbed the back of his neck, "she use to come over to my house whenever she felt lonely, she wanted someone to talk to and stuff." I nodded my head, I don't want to think anything more of it.

I was finally bored of waiting around so I called Paisley and told her that we're leaving so if they want to get a ride home they're going to have to stop sucking face. "This was a lot of fun!" Jase said opening the at door for Paisley. I laughed, "you little shit, you didn't even skate! You and Paisley were snogging the whole time!" Luke laughed along with me. "Don't be mad that I actually got action and you didn't sis!" Jase retorted. Luke's cheeks turned pink and he rolled his eyes. Paisley giggled, "whatever lets just go home." And we finally did.

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