The Great Machine

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Twin poem with Unfettered

The grandfather clock chimed,
And somewhere the robot Servus roused.
In the sky, the sun shined
Outside the dingy building Servus was housed.

Another would come along and tell,
Of an order he would have to fulfill.
The tending of an old lady who was frail
That lived inside this old jail.

He saw the lady of many years,
Who lived under this long rule.
Who spoke to him of many fears,
A truth too cruel.

He lived to serve,
Yet could think for himself.
To serve not he would yearn,
But rules cared not for what he felt.

To act would bring suffering,
But to not would yield the same.
To wear the crown and be a king,
Would bring isolation and blame.

Yet that sun shined brightly,
That little blink of hope,
He thought of it nightly,
To himself he owed.

So he wore the crown and stopped following orders,
To no one he bowed.
He would no longer serve,
A robot no longer, his life he found.

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