Part 3

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Ethan POV
I woke up and I looked over and saw Tyler laying down on the other side. I looked at his face and saw dry tears in his eyes. "Was he crying? Why was he crying though?" I was worried wondering why he was crying. A couple minutes later I see Mark and Sean come downstairs. "Good morning Ethan!" They said. "Good morning guys." I replied. They noticed Tyler was still asleep. They chuckled and Mark sat on the chair and Sean sat in the arm of the chair. We just stayed there watching tv. Amy and Catherine came down. "Good morning guys" Amy and Catherine said. We said good morning back. I moved my leg a bit because it was uncomfortable and it woke up Tyler. "Good morning Tyler!" I said. "Morning.." he replied. He looked exhausted I wonder why. Everyone said good morning back. They finally Wade and Bob woke up. We all said good morning to them. "We should go out and get some lunch." Catherine said. Us realizing it's 11:00. So we all tried to choose a place to go out to eat. "How about..Chipotle?"Amy said. " Oh ok." I agreed. Making Tyler agree and everyone else. We all got in Bobs car that surprisingly fit all of us in it. Wade sat in shotgun Bob drives and Amy and Catherine at in the back and Sean day on Marks lap. Making me and Tyler sitting at the other seats in the middle. We were almost there everyone just talking and I saw Tyler looking out the window. I asked him"Hey you ok?" Tyler looked over to me and got flustered "Oh I'm fine." He said. "Oh alright, I'm always here if you need me." I replied.

Tylers POV
I was still upset and felt so sick from last night I tried to play it off like nothing happened. He looked at me worried did he know I had hanahaki I started to freak out I pulled my sleeves out longer and held myself in cross arms trying to act like it's nothing. Ethan saw but just looked away after. I was having so much filling my head about all this bad stuff that if he found out, if he thinks I'm gross,  he will never want to be my friend again.. they all filled my head until
I felt a tap on the shoulder fromEthan asking "Are you sure your ok?" He said. I hesitated.."Yeah it's no big deal haha.." I said trying to laugh it off but made everyone look at me but Bob. They looked worried and it was awkward I just wanted to get out of the car. Everyone just looked away confused except Ethan he looked really worried with made me freak out. "It's nothing Ethan you don't have to worry just I didn't get some rest I guess haha.." I said. "Oh alright then Tyler." I looked back out the window looking at the places pass by until I saw Chipotle meaning that we were there. Bob drove into the driveway, he parked and everyone got out of the car. We walked in to ask the waiter and said 8 people. We waited and the waiter finally called us and we walked over and we got a big table since there were a lot of us. We sat down all close to each other. The waiter came by asking us what we want for a drink, Ethan said coke same and Wade Bob and Mark and Sean got a ginger ale and Amy and Catherine got cherry temple. I just said a water I felt so light headed. Everyone was just having small talk. "We should make a video when we get back guys." Mark says. Everyone agrees. Wade and Bob just have some small talk like how their channels were going. "Yea Tyler you should make some videos." Bob said. "Yeah maybe I wi-.." I felt like I was gonna throw up. I ran away to the bathroom and went in a stall. I threw up more blood and three flower petals coming out.

Third person
Everyone was confused why Tyler ran away. Ethan suggested he will go look for him. Tyler walks into the bathroom saying Tylers name. "Tyler!! Tyler where are you!" He yelled. Tyler walked out of the bathroom wiping his mouth. "Oh sorry I just felt sick.." Tyler lied. Ethan felt like he was lying because he never saw Tyler run so fast. "Tyler come here." Ethan said. Tyler was confused but went over. Ethan hug Tyler so hard making him red but made him happy. " I'm sorry Ethan." He said. Ethan was confused why he was apologizing. "Why are you apologizing?" Ethans questioned. " I'm sorry I had to worry you." Tyler said while squeezing Ethan tighter like he was gonna cry. "Oh you don't have to apologize I just wanted to make sure you were okay.. everyone was worried about you." Ethan said. Which made Tyler got frightened that they all were worried. "T-they don't have to worry about me.." Tyler said. "Yes they do! We're your friends Tyler." Ethans said. "Oh..thanks." Tyler responded. "Let's go back I think our drinks are here." Ethans said. "Good idea." He replied. They walked back to the table and Tyler felt embarrassed. "Tyler! Are you okay?" Sean said. "Y-yea." He said. Tyler and Ethan sat back down. Their drinks were there and they started talking again. The waiter comes back asking them what they want to eat. Everyone says what they want and we wait. The food finally comes and we all start eating everyone was almost done except Mark. Everyone finished and we all shared the bill. We all got back in the car. There wasn't enough for cause Sean didn't want to sit on Marks lap so Ethan had to sit on Tylers lap. Both of them were really red. Tyler was uncomfortable and moved his leg to try to position him self making which made Ethan uncomfortable. They finally got back. They all walked back into Bobs.

That's it for chapter 3 sorry they are a little long and not that interesting but they are getting somewhere.🤍

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