Normal Business

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"Honey, Andrea! I need you to go down to the basement to sort out some laundry!" said my mom. I replied with "Ok, mom be right there!"

*After I had gone down to the basement I went back into my bedroom*

I then figured that something felt pretty chilling when I was in that basement. There was a creepy doll and an old washing machine as well as the new one, but this basement was so creepy. There was something about it that wasn't normal at all.
I heard my address on the news hearing that 4 months ago there was a hidden and dead body, underneath the staircase in the attic and basement. We have been living here for 3 months!! I was freaked out, I didn't know what to do. If I told my mom she would never believe me in a million years, so maybe I should just show her the news?

~2 hours later~

I finally found the courage to tell my mom about what I heard on the news, but I was afraid that she would ground me or maybe even put me up for adoption because I'm so dumb! I'm just overreacting, right? "Mom, I need to tell you something really important, you might think I'm crazy and you might put me up for adoption but whatever please don't go into the attic or basement ever again. Especially alone, mom!" I shrieked

"Woah, honey, what's wrong? What happened? Why are you telling me not to go into the attic or basement and saying don't put me up for adoption? Honey, tell me!" My mom screamed
"Mom, you'll never believe me, but what I heard on the news will destroy us for the rest of our lives. I don't know if I even have the guts to tell you. It's terrifying what was on that television!" I shouted

"Ok, sweetie, just calm down, ok? Just tell me what you heard on the news." My mom said in a calm and gentle voice, it was so angelic.
"One of the news reporters mentioned our address, and said how there was two hidden and dead bodies, one in the attic and one in the basement, mom, I totally freaked out!" I yelled in a really deep voice.

"Oh my gosh, when was this?!"

"Four months ago, we've lived here for three months."

"I thought this was going to be a fresh start, for once. What with your sister business, the fact she moved all the way to New York. I'm gonna miss her so much!" My mom cried hard.

"Mom trust me, New York isn't too far, I mean is it? Check on google how long does it take to get to New York City from Los Angeles, California."

My mom looked it up, it was kinda far.

~That night~

"Mom! I can't sleep the basement door is right next to me!" I bawled at her.

"Come sleep in the living room then, honey!"

I shrugged my shoulders and thought "Ok!" So I went downstairs, but first I got blankets from my bedroom and some pillows and slept on the sofa all night watching television for a while. I have to admit I felt very safe.

It was 10:05am in the morning so I was not too late for breakfast. I felt I kept hearing strange noises from the attic. Then it stopped. Then after about 2 minutes I heard noises again, but not from the attic. It was from the basement

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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