Chapter 5: Drama

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Authors note/..... sorry in advance for the angst 

Draco's POV

"AWWWWW SOOO CUTE!" Mione and Pansy screamed in unison while jumping up and down holding hands.

"Anyway, as I was saying before, Caleb and I have officially split up."

"Good for you Hermione." I said as I sat back down on the bed.

"Yeah, Mione that's good." Ron said from behind Harry. Speaking of Harry, I noticed the tears that started to fill his eyes. I quickly grabbed his hand and rubbed soothing circles on it.

"I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry *hic* Mione!" Harry wailed as he buried his head in my chest. I whispered sweet nothings in his ear as Ron snuggled into his shoulder laying light soft kisses on his neck. He calmed down, but only when Mione insisted it wasn't his fault for the hundredth time. Mione and Pansy left, and Harry was sleeping soundly on my bare chest. Ron's "problem" only went down slightly and grew once again when he cuddled with Harry. I took Harry's mouth and Ron took...well his other hole. I was exhausted but I loved watching my sleeping beauties drift off. Somewhere in between, I fell asleep and sometime after that Harry woke me and Ron up telling us he was going for a walk...that was about forty-five minutes ago and I'm starting to get worried. "Ron what if-,"

"Dray give it a rest with the what-ifs. Look, if Harry's not back in fifteen minutes I say we go look for him. yeah? So just relax for now 'kay?" I wanted to relax I really did but,

"I can't Ron- I-I just- I'm worried" I said leaning into his open arms.

"I know me too." He said as he kissed my temple.

288 words~

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