- A lion -

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- 4 9 5 -
'это не слабость, не недостаток'

Arya wasn't quite sure why she trusted this giant, mechanical lion, but she did, and nothing had sprung up to counteract her judgement. 

And so, there she was, seated in the plush and unfathomably comfortable cock-pit of said lion, legs draped over the armrests of the chair as it floated aimlessly through the void.

Stars shimmered merrily, highlighting every nonexistent imperfection on the brunettes perfectly sculpted face. 

She sighed, intelligent yet wary amber eyes scanning the empty void before her. To say it simply, she was bored. Extraordinarily bored at that.


That's it, she had hit rock bottom because, as of currently, she was talking to a robotic animal. Great. Yet where Arya had expected silence, she was answered with a soft and gentle humming. It had responded, yet that seemed almost natural, normal.

"I'm bored."

The lion hummed again, seemingly in thought, then abruptly quietened, leaving the lasting impression that it did not, in fact, give a fuck about her emotions or needs.


This would be a long trip.


"Tell me about yourself."

Arya said from her slumped position on the floor, a bowl of ramen perched in her lap.

Turns out the lion possessed the needed essentials of survival, the woman having raided the room for hidden compartments a little over four phoeb's into their journey; bordem did not sit well with the brunette.

It also seemed that the longer one remained in the lion, the more it moulded to their personality. Plush carpeting covered the floor, a warm, yellow light replacing the harsh and eye-burning ones of before. 

The soft hum of the lion filled her mind, words forming slowly out of the unintelligible grumble, Arya's mood-brightening at the simple yet excitable answer. 

It - or rather she - one of the six lions of Voltron, the defender of the universe and protector of all extraterrestrial life. She was a stabilizer, a filter and an extremely necessary piece of the puzzle that formed Voltron. She was also nameless.

"I can't keep referring to you as 'she' or 'Lion'... Or 'She-lion'"

The woman mumbled, emersed in her thoughts and she tried desperately to create a name suitable for the astonishing beast.

White wasn't helpful in this matter, springing name after name upon the brunette, now desperate for a regal and fitting title. After one or two doboshes however, the she-lion grew impatient, tossing simply hilarious options into the mix and just hoping, hoping her Paladin would accept.




"Too simple."


"You're female you forget."


"Too long, also sounds like a disease."

She shut up after that, brooding silently.


"What about Aspro?"

The lioness perked up, her mood brightening as she mulled the name over and over in her mind.

It had been approximately fourteen phoeb's since leaving the prison and Arya was getting better and better.

'Aspro, Aspro, As-pro. I like it.'

The woman smiled triumphantly, she had taken great care in choosing the appropriate name for the lion, care that was most probably not needed.

'Thank you, nameless human female.'

"Oh! I totally forgot to tell you my name. I'm Arya."

'Arya... I like it.'


O k a y   t h e n ,

So, yeah, Aspro talks now... ExCiTiNg. Aspro is also white in greek, pretty simple but also pretty cool, ya'know? Also, the Russian is untranslated for a reason and will all fall together in the end.

i l y -

O s h h i e e _

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