Chapter 4

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"Flower! You are so cheating!" Fukase pouted as the game cut to the victory screen.

I smirked a little. This was my third win against him. "I'm not cheating, you just don't know what your doing."

Fukase glared at my smug look. "You just keep abusing wings of rebellion and that's really cheap. For shame."

He tried to sound all serious but the effect was completely wrecked by the laughing (boardline cackling) guys in the background lounging on the multicolored bean bag chairs that formed an arc around a flat screen tv. It's been about two hours and it became quite obvious who the competitive people were. Len and Ollie would play a few rounds for fun and Piko barely played at all, but Fukase was a gamer through and through.

"Just take your defeat!" A high pitched voice called over us. Oliver and I were the only ones to turn around to see a small girl with a short, blond bob that sparked a bad memory. One of the choir preps. Oh god. "Why are you here?" Her teal eyes scanned the five of us with disgust.

"We were invited, Rin. It's not like your the only one who lives here." Fukase snapped with his demeanor flipping on a dime.

The girl, Rin rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but our mom told Len not to have more people over, but it looks like you got two more freaks to join the trope."

I looked at Ollie, hoping he wouldn't fight back. This is one chick that doesn't seem like she would keep her mouth shut about a "bratty ten-year-old" and it's a little too soon to start burning bridges. I didn't want him to get a bad rep because he wanted to stand up for me. I already got him sent here.

"They are not freaks." said the last person I would expect. Piko spat over at the girl's spot in the doorway. "You've never even seen them before."

"Like I need to! We have a tiny kid and someone who looks like a summer's breeze could rip her apart."

 Oliver's head jolted up as I tried to look as aloof as possible. They said it wasn't obvious. They said that no one could tell. The thoughts swirled in my mind into a dark pit of doubts, but one grabbed on to my conscience as soon as it hit the stage. A cold rock formed in my stomach. Oliver wouldn't just say nothing to this.

"Hey! She's trying her best and you have no place to comment!" Oliver stated in his attempt at a serious voice that sounded all too close to a pout.

It was now that Rin really started to look miffed. "I'll comment where I please, you little--"

"Come on. We have better places to be." I stood up abruptly and gesturing Oliver to come with.

"But, Flower---"

"We're done here. It's clear that we're not wanted." I snapped. We had to leave, but the last thing I want is for this brat to get a reaction.

I walked out of the large bedroom and straight to the front door as I heard the sound of Oliver's steps trying to match my long strides. Soon enough, I was met with the crisp, chilled air of the outdoors. As much as cold nipped at my unprotected legs, the open street was what I needed. A way to get away from there. To escape.

"Flower! What was that?" Oliver asked, concern leaking through his voice.

"Sorry. We just had to get out before anything could escalate."

Oliver looked at me, frowning. "What could happen?"

"For starters, she sounded like a gossipy type and someone who follows the rule of everything you say can be used against you. Plus, it's our first day here. We really don't want to make any enemies." I explained in my overly analyzed way.

"Why do you always make this sound like battle strategies?"

I gave him a tired smile. "It's high school. This is the closest to war you'll ever see." We looked out to the street ahead as we walked in silence, watching the road expand out to an orangey horizon, slowing fading into twilight. The days were getting shorter and our parents must have been worried about Ollie getting home late. Plus, I didn't want to try navigating this place at night.

"Well, we would have had to leave soon anyways with your appointment." Oliver commented. Oh right, my "appointment." Time for a professional tell me something I've known for the past two years. Fun.

"Yeah, you're right. I almost forgot." I sighed. I wish I forgot.

Talking with professionals is always weird. They just expect me to trust them because they have some fancy paper. I know nothing about these people and have no reason to trust them, but they want to know all of my secrets. I can't even trust that they won't rat me out because they're required to report to my parents. I hate it.

We continued on a straight track home. Our house isn't that far from the school, but I was fairly out of breath by the time we reached the front door. Oliver got out his navy blue house key to let us in, but the door was opened before he got the chance.

"Where were you two? It's already getting dark." Mom asked, looking us over. Her hands rested on her hips as we walked into the kitchen to dropping off our heavy backpacks. "You have to have some food before we leave for Flower's appointment and I'd like to know how the first day was."

I looked over at Mom with a guarded expression. "It was fine." I needed to think over today before I'm ready to share.

"No need for snark. What about you, Oliver?" Cue Ollie's lovely description of his day with puppies and rainbows. He can be such a mama's boy, and Mom has no problem giving him attention. I think it's because Oliver is the only one of us that actual looks like her. All of us have the same light blond hair (I dyed mine.) and thin figure, but that's where the similarities end for Yohio and I. We have our dad's sharp facial features and height in large contrast to Oliver.

Soon, Mom's words shocked me out of my thoughts. "Hon, you need to have dinner." Mom looked at me, concern in her eyes. I must have been zoning out again. It hasn't been a good day for that.

I wandered over to the long table that had a spread of noodles and Italian™ food. I plopped into my seat as Mom put a serving of food onto my plate and proceeded to shoot me nervous glances from her end of the table. It's been like this ever since she found out. I hesitantly started eating the pile of spaghetti that was heaped onto my plate in an attempt to shake her stare, . I could only think of the calories that were stacking up from the mountain of starch in front of me and my inability to do crap about it, in the end, nothing gets me more than pitied looks from people. I'd need to check the food labels later.

"Flower and I were able to meet these really cool people. Fukase and Piko. They're really nice!" Oliver stated, cheerfully.

Mom eyed both of us in a questioning manner. Oliver can make friends easily enough, but me finding friends on the first day of school was unheard of. "Oh. What are they like?"

She turned to me.

"Ummm... Fukase is... interesting and Piko is pretty quiet. They're chill. " I replied. Why was she even asking me? Obviously, Oliver was the one who started the interaction.

At that point, I was ready for today to be done. Sadly, the hour of interrogation was still stood in the way. Funtimes. 

Hello my beans! I have a lot of theater stuff coming up this week, but after that, I will have double the time to put into my writing. I'm pretty excited for some chill time. (and more viola time!) Love ya and thanks for the support!


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