Chapter 22

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"What did you just say?" Alex asked, spinning around. "I'm Dean's son," Ben repeated. Despite being pissed, Alex was intrigued. "Wait, but you don't live here full time," she said, confused. "No, I live with my mom Lisa, but I come here to work cases sometimes." he answered. Alex crossed the room and sat down next to Ben on the steps, keeping her eyes on the floor. "Did Dean get you into hunting?" she asked. "No," Ben said, then scoffed. "He tried to keep me away from it actually. A demon attacked my mom and he had Cas delete all of our memories of him, but one day they just came back. I got into hunting on my own, and then I got into contact with Dean." "And Dean just accepted that you were a hunter?" Alex asked, turning to look at him. "No. But I told him I wasn't going to stop. He gave up and said if I'm going to hunt then I'm going to do it under his roof. When I'm on the job I come here to look for cases and do research. " Ben explained. "I don't go home a lot though. My mom's new boyfriend is kind of a jerk," he added, turning to look at her. 

"I'm sorry," she said. "Thanks," he said, and they lapsed into silence. He looked into her eyes, then he started to move in to kiss her, but just then Sam came down the hallway towards the staircase. "Hey," he said. "Hey, is Cas ok?" Alex asked quickly. "Yeah, he should be fine. He'll just need time to heal." he responded. Alex nodded. "Well, I'm going to go get my bag from my car," she said, standing up and leaving the room.

"What was that all about?" Sam asked. "I said something really cruel to her, that's why she took off without warning," Ben said, sighing. "Ah, I see. An apology can go a long way, you know," Sam said. "I tried. She said we could work cases together but our relationship is strictly business." Ben replied. "Yikes. Well, I'm sure she'll get over it. Just give her some more time," Sam said, patting his Ben's shoulder and heading for the kitchen.

Ben stood up, and headed for his room. I'll make it right with her. I'll find a way to show her how I feel.  he thought to himself as he laid down in bed and drifted off. 

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