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Trying a new writing style for this, lemme know if you like it. If you dont care scroll to the bottom :3

Piko put his finger on his chin. "Not really. I mean if you dont count Len who does so occasionally then i cant think of any time somebody has." He shrugged. "Still wish i had V5 or V4 but, what can i say? Guess i just didnt click with people." Piko said, his cord slightly drooping. Flower gives him a quick pat on the back. "Hey at least your not Cuul."
Flower smirked slightly. "I mostly just write down the roasts on paper, so that i have stuff to say when people anger me. Blackmail isnt my speciality, after all. Still, its nice to have the books handy.

James chirps happily. (well, im glad Oliver isnt doing anything dumb!Though i should use the bathroom before hanging out with his friends again.)
Point shakes his head, and goes back to clinging to fukase. "o3o"
Rin looks at her precious oranges as they are confiscated. Tears well up in her eyes."y-you are cruel, why must you take my happiness away from me so suddenly!?" She wails loudly. Len comes over and pats her back, in an attempt to comfort her.

Piko: other than len no. Still want v4 tho
Flower: hey at least your not cuul
Cuul: :0
Flower:i have a book for people. Each person has theiyre own books with roasts. Blackmail isnt my thing.
James: (i need to use the bathroom but hey at least oliver is happy)
Point: no.
Rin: *cries very loudly*
Len: *comforts her.*

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