"the death machine "

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jimin waited with some heavy boxes for the elevator of his new apartment building

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jimin waited with some heavy boxes for the elevator of his new apartment building. normally he wouldnt want an apartment high up, specially if he needed to take an elevator to reach his home, but the apartment was amazing and cheap enough for him. he just closed his eyes and was on his floor very fast. he stept in and smiled. almost everything he owned was in, just one more trip down and he would have all up. he took a 2 week vacation to get everything done and made this apartment his. he hummed excited and stept into the hated maschine again and went down. he got to his car and pulled a small box and some blankets, went back to the entrance and fiddled with his keys. 

suddenly some guys helped him with the door. "oh thank u so much" jimin muffeld from behind the blankets. they stept together in the evelvator and it went up. "are u new?" "yeah, apartment 454B. just moved in." "i can see that" the taller laught. the other one was silent. "where are u living?" "578A. we are roommates." "oh nice. its the bigger one, right? with two bedrooms?" "yeah. u will like it here. we have a gym too." "oh really? which floor?" "8th." jimin smiled. suddenly the elevator stopped and swung up and down. jimin fell down on his butt, the others tried to stay balanced. "what was that?" jimin whispered in terror. he was pale. "i dont know" the taller said. the other one pressed the emergency button. "klone elevator system, how can i help u?" a voice sounded. "hi, i am in the building on daehak-ro 2881, the elevator just stopped suddenly. we are between the 3rd and 4th floor." "we already heard of some trouble around the neighborhood. there is a electric shortcut somewhere there. our workers are on their way, but it will take some time, due to the many buildings are infected by this." "how long do we have to wait?" "about an hour?!" "oh fuck great! just great!" the guy cursed. jimin whimpered. the taller bend down and tapped his shoulder. "its gonna be ok. its a new building, so a new elevator" as he said that, the elevator suddenly went down and stopt, swinging again. jimin burst out in tears. "i want to get out!" he almost yelled. the taller guy tried again to consol and comfort him. "breath! come on! breath" he inhaled and exhaled as an example for him. jimin tried with a hickup and wiped his tears. he was embarrassed that these guys saw him bawling like a child. he tried to calm down and pressed his face into his blankets. the tall guy crotched down to his level and rubbed jimins back. "how should i survive an hour in here?" jimin whispered more to himself than to someone. the other guy scuffed "stop acting like a fucking child. its just a fucking elevator." jimin looked up at him. "yoongi! he is scared! there are a lot of people who hate elevators!" the taller guy scolled him. the "yoongi" guy scuffed again and rolled his eyes. "sorry, he is an asshole sometimes." yoongi chuckled and noticed jimins body trembled. 

he looked at him as he was a disgusting insect. jimin made himself smaller. "i am joon. welcome to the neighborhood by the way" the taller guy smiled. jimin wiped his face again and gave a small short smile back. "jimin." "nice to meet u jimin" jimin smiled wider now. yoongi looked elsewhere, sighed and sat down too. "shit! i have a lot to do!" "we all have something to do, yoongi. stop bitching." "shut up namjoon. just babying him, so he shut up too." he hissed back. jimin didnt like the fighting and started to tremble again. his breathing was uneven and he could feel that he was a second away from a fully panic attack. the boys noticed and joon tried fast to prevent it. but it didnt help. "shut up!" yoongi almost yelled at poor jimin. "thats not helping, yoongi! dont yell at him! if u wanna stop him, than try it on your own." yoongi sighed, turned to the shaking body, grabbed jimins hair, pulled him to him and captured his mouth with his own. jimin stopt shaking and his eyes got wider and wider. joon looked shocked too, but tilted his head. "okay, thats one stragedy." yoongi left jimins mouth and pull a salvia string with him. jimin still looked at him like he was an alien. yoongi smirked and jimin snapped back to reality. the feeling of beeing trapped in a deadly maschine came crushing in again and he couldnt breath again. yoongi and joon looked at each other. joon grabbed jimins face and pressed his mouth now on him. he forced his tongue in and tried to get jimins mind away from a panic attack. jimin pushed his head away. "hey! listen, just concentrate on our lips and dont think on anything else, ok?" joon starred into jimins eyes and leaned in close again. 

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