Let it go ..

18 1 6

You wake up to the sound of the door bell ringing , you get up like a sloth, so slow in movement , cursing inside at the person who's waking you up  in the morning ..

and the door bell just keeps ringing non-stop like , shut up and wait a little , "who the hell is ringing the damn door bell this early, you broke the damn bell !!! stop ringing I AM COMING !UGH GOD!!"~you said in an angry tone

you opened the door to find a police officer standing in front of you ,"are you Miss.kim Y/G?"~policeman

"umm yeaah  well ... how can I ..help you ?"~you

"Is your mother and stepfather madam .and Mr. park "

you try to squeeze your memory trying to remember the family of your stepfather.."yes, I believe so .. but why are you asking "~you

"I'm sorry to tell you that there was a huge fire three days ago and no one survived but the youngest son , your younger brother I mean"~the officer

suddenly a 12 or 11 year old kid pops his head out of the police car , then opens the door, being so damn shy , and only focusing his sight towards the ground ...

" So miss Y/G since you're 18 ,and you're the last member of his family ,the social services decided that it would be better if he stays with you rather than the orphanage ...now if you excuse me I'll be going on my way , tomorrow someone will come check on your house and see if the kid needs anything , and yeah before I forget you should put him in school here"~he said as he was about to leave .

He left without saying any other word just like that. ""you know what if you think about it ,he said everything he wanted to say and he said enough !, anyways let's get back to the story""


after all these years of torture,  and when you just thought you finally got rid of all the horrible memories and scars you got , A KID shows up in your life just like that , and to make things even harder, you might think of him as a brother but he isn't from anyone of your parents so technically he's the son of your stepdad who used to be an as*hole towards you to the point where you felt like you were nothing in this world ...
you keep thinking about the bad memories that you barely managed to forget .. what shall you do ..what shall you do.. the kid is still standing in front of you ,facing the ground , his rusty clothes tell you the story of a bad childhood , he doesn't have anything as his house all burnt down ,you take the deepest breath , and step forward towards him ...

" hey kid .."~ you say with a serious face

"I know you don't want me , nobody did anyway, and I'm sorry that I'm not old enough to live on my own ...I'm just.. I.. "~he chokes with tears blocking his sight ,

you wonder about why you are mad at him but then realize that you were the pray of his parents and that you shouldn't be mad at a kid who might have faced the same circumstances you faced,, you say deep inside that you have to act as a grown up ,

you block all your feelings , of pain , hate, grudge against the world away  ,and try to remember how sometimes life gave you hope  in your darkest moments,""just like when life gave you Sam Dong""  , It was like the whole universe gave you the chance to change something in you to the better , well I'm not saying you're being an angle but lets face it , the kid in font of you never did anything to you , in matter of fact he might be a pray , just in the way you exactly were ..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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