
848 35 20

Dates: January 21-February 19
Rulers: Uranus and Saturn
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Color: Sky Blue or Violet

Day: Saturday
Stone: Amethyst
Part of Body Ruled: Ankles and Shins
Motto: I know
Energy: Yang

The Aquarius woman is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. This is a fixed sign which means she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. This sign cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

The Aquarius woman mingles with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background.

She likes to travel, she likes the new, but she can be curiously attached to the old. While Aquarius women love progress, on a personal level, they don't like change. It has to do with their loyalty, their attachment to the past, and their memories, so even though they have the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, they still like to know where they have come from and who they are.

Usually when we hear the word "loyalty" we immediately think about being loyal to our mates. While Aquarius women may very well keep their promises in their relationships, they take loyalty to a different, deeper level. This woman will stay loyal to a particular brand, restaurant, mom-and-pop shop, team, musician, and so forth, through thick and thin, unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. This is a rare and wonderful trait, that seems in fact to be an endangered attitude in today's world. While Aquarians have many interests, they are not flighty by nature.

AquariusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz