Chapter 1

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'What do you mean, you are expelled?' 

I nodded to my best friend. We sat on my bed in our dorm. I just came back from  a conversation with the headmistress. It was the worst news, but I suspected it already. I crossed the line this time. 

'That means I may not return here next year, I need to go to another school. Can you imagine this situation, Laura? Expelled in my second year at school! You must have seen my parents reaction.'

I lay down with my face in my pillow. I didn't want to cry, but I just lost everything. Laura didn't know what to say. Just two hours ago we were laughing in the hallway. The prank was such a good idea. It was a bet, actually. No one from my year believed I could prank someone because I was that innocent girl. They had it wrong, and I wanted to prove that. Well I won, but now I had to face the consequences.
Meanwhile my other friend Liesel came running in.

'Manon, that prank was amazing, some students are still stuck in the hallway!'

She stood still, eyebrows frowned why she didn't get a reaction.

'What happened? Did someone die?' She asked.

'I am expelled, forever.' I told her with a cracking voice. I was going to cry again. My friend came closer.

'I'm sorry. What are you going to do now?' She gave me a hug.

'My parents told me I probably have to go to beauxbatons. You know, that school in France.' Personally, I really didn't want to go to that school. They spoke French there, and that was a language that I was bad at. It is weird because my mom is from France, so I should be able to speak it, but the language is just so difficult. I can understand it though. The speaking is just to much. My mothertongue was Dutch and my English was almost perfect.

'I would rather go to Hogwarts, they say you have more freedom there, and they speak a language that I can speak,' I told my friends, they know that I have problems with French.

'Can't you ask your parents to go then?' 

'No, I mean, Dad would probably say it is okay, but he doesn't know anything about wizard schools. But mom, She went to beauxbatons before she married dad. If she got to choose, I probably went to that school. Luckily we got a letter for this school in my own country.'

The special thing about this school here in Belgium was that everyone spoke Dutch. The students came from Belgium and The Netherlands. (We are actually speaking Dutch at this moment)

'I should probably pack already,' I continued. 'I am actually away for two days. I must visit both schools, so I can make a smart choice.' I rolled with my eyes. I didn't know how to feel. I was going to miss it here so much. I needed to leave my dearest friends. Still, I would go to a school that was probably more famous than this one and meet new friends.

'You know we will miss you, right?' We will send you letters about our boring life here and you need to update us about all the cute boys you meet in your new life,...' My friends were suddenly really enthousiastic. I got a little smile on my face, although I was still sad. I gave my two best friends a big hug. 

'Meanwhile in the hallway:'

The floor is sticky. Once you walk on that sticky layer, you are stuck for several hours until that layer is not tacky anymore. Teachers are trying to get the students out by using 'Wingardium Leviosa'. Sadly for them, it is still very hard. Even a teacher is stuck now. They don't know what Manon used to make the glue that powerfull. The headmistress knew she did a good thing by suspending her. This is no school for silly jokes.

We went downstaires for dinner, when I suddenly heard cheering and applauding. It was my whole class. We had 10 classes, so about 300 students in the second year. A class was formed in the subjects students chose. We all chose Potions as extra. We made mainly harder potions. That was the reason the glue worked so well. I made a little bow. I never got this much attention. Of course I told these children to avoid the third corridor, but they didn't know what I planned. 

'Dat was brilliant en geweldig, Willems!' (That was Brilliant and amazing, Willems!) said one boy.

'Ik wist niet dat je het in je had, (I didn't know you would dare such a thing) said another girl.

They were very surprised. I got a few handshakes and even a third year came over to congradulate me for this prank. I needed to blush a little bit. I could not understand why no one ever pranked in this school. It was such fun to be honest. At least there were a lot of people who appreaciated that brilliant prank. They won't forget me in a few months. I won that bet. I was happy that i knew that glue was almost impossible to remove. It was such a hard potion. I wanted to believe it was worth it and I couldn't believe they were so harsh here. After this night everthing would be different.

'A day later...'

I was in the car with my parents. My mother started again with her yelling. Normally my dad could calm her down, but this time he agreed with her. 

'Hoe kon je dat nou doen?! Jij moet het voorbeeld zijn voor anderen, je punten zijn al goed, dus waarom moet je de rebel uithangen? Zo heb ik jou niet opgevoed, jongedame!'
(How could you do that? you should be a perfect example for other students, since your grades are so good. why must you be a rebel? I didn't raise you like that, young lady!)

It felt like a howler in real life. I swore you could hear us outside the car. We were driving to Beauxbatons, since that was my moms first choice. Tomorrow we would finally go to Hogwarts. Secretly, I was excited for that trip. 

I was silent. I knew that thing in the hallway would be my first and last prank.

The trip to France took some hours, but since we went pretty early, it was only 1 PM. I really didn't understand why we went with the car though. Maybe because dad was a muggle, or just because my parents wanted to give me a rant. I looked at the great castle in front of me. It was huge and so pretty. The walls had a light color and it looked like a fairy tale. However, it felt too beautiful. There were a lot of butterflies fluttering around. It felt so girly, but I knew there were also boys attending this school. This was not me, but I could see my mom smile. She was back home.

Tricky Potion {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now