Challenge Unwitting

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I think either Sookie had been practicing her telepathy and snitched on me or Jason was secretly hiding psychic abilities.

It's the only explanation I can think of for this shit. See Jason and Sookie had always loved challenges. They took someone saying they couldn't do something as permission to do exactly that and someone thinking they can predict them was just asking for them to pull some shit out of left field.
I knew this. It was something I had in common with them. A Stackhouse Thing. Patents pending.

Yet somehow I had forgotten this aspect of character I shared with my siblings. Somehow I had convinced myself that I had lowered my expectations of them enough not to be surprised by the capital S Stupid shit they did sometimes. And somehow whether through Sookie snitching or some hidden abilities of his own Jason had found out that I had gotten arrogant and decided to put me in my place.

Let's back up a bit. Okay so This is what happened. After leaving Renee I decided to mentally scope out the town to see public opinion and what needed doing you know. So I know what was what before I went to the house to see everyone. I knew that it would be packed and I wanted to know what I was walking into. It has been about a week since I had really checked in and I'd flown straight here in the next flight out after getting the news. I had spent most of the flights - a connecting flight - in a daze pissed at the world or asleep. So I wanted to see if anything had changed. As I was checking in on my siblings I discovered that Jason had accepted my unwitting challenge to his Stackhouseness.

This Dumbass was taking V.

I..I the fuck am I related to these people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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