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"Don't you just adore mornings?"
Anne stars out the window,admiring the view. The sunrise was the shade of her hair and a sense of admiration for the sunrise swirled inside her. After 3 weeks of seeing that beautiful you would think Anne would be used to it by now. Oh no.

"The views yes. But the getting out of bed is a big no" Diana answered. Ever since staying at the boarding house, the girls hve to be getting out of bed to be 'prim and proper', as their teachers would call it, for their respected classes. Anne believes its a blessing as she can see the gorgeous view, the other girls, especially Diana, arent so keen on the idea.

Anne laughes, the pleasent sount floating around the room, lighting it up as bright as a thousand candles. As Anne looks out the window, her mind wanders away to the one thing that has been at her mind since she got to Queens.

Her letter to Gilbert.

Even though she started the letter, finished it even, shes been questioning sending it for the last 3 weeks. Everyone has been telling her to, for YEARS the girls have been seeing how Anne and Gilbert look at each other, how they act. Dance practice will show perfectly their feelings towards each other. Now they finally admitted to it and now Anne isnt sending the letter!

Diana notices Annes faraway expression, as kindred spirits, she knows exactly whats on Annes mind.

"Why dont you send it? You've finished it, have you not?"

Annes shoulders get tense, petrified on how this conversation will go.

"How am i supposed to know if what happened really meant something? What if he really doesnt love me and its all in my head?"

Diana sighs, ready with her well thought out argument.

"Anne, i was there. When he was about to leave and jumped out of that cart, i knew from that look in his face when he saw you it was love. You know you want to send that letter. I know you want to send it emmesly. So go ahead and do it!"

Anne glances out the window, imagining that she could see The Lake of Shining Waters, rememvering her first time at Green Gables, feeling at home. That feeling longs all around her, and "maybe," Anne thought "if i send it, i could finally have that feeling back... and it would give me a chance to exchange in a long distance duel, plantonic...or romantic"

Anne sighs in exasperated defeat, annoyed she has to lose a battle, but honestly, Diana knew Anne was happy, even if she wouldn't admit it.

"Well, it would get something off my desk"

Diana and Anne turn to Annes desk, papers falling off the desk in piles and piles. They both turn to each other and laugh for a good five minutes, so loud the whole boarding house was filled with their laughter.

When they both calmed themselves, Anne said "let me look over it first, for spelling mistakes!"

Anne grabbed the letter, in its place on the desk, everything else messed up.

Anne unfolded the paper and began to read:

Dear Gilbert,

I look like my mother.

Yes,yes i believe genetics would probably have answered that question for me but, when I saw that portrait my father drew of my mother, I felt i sense of, well, knowing. Knowing that at a time, a girl with red as carrots hair walked around the immensely beautful landscape of Scotland (I'm also Scottish, which is a whole other story) and, hopefully had a wonderful life.
Well enough about me, How's Toronto?
I hope that medicine is what you hoped it would be. I've heard Toronto is a vast and bustling place, is that true. It sounds so so much different than Prince Edward Island, with the peacful woods and the breathtaking views of the sea. Oh no! I got to head down for dinner. It feels strange to have dinner that wasnt made by my help!
Will write soon!
With love,

"Wait,did i put-"

Before Anne could finsh her sentence, Diana snatched the letter, shoved it into an envelope and scrawled the address and was already out the door.

Anne was in awe. Fuming, but in awe.

"DIANA!" Anne sped down the stairs, as fast as you could when your not allowed to run.

But she was too late. Diana already gave the letter to the postman.

Anne stomped to Diana, her face almost as red as her hair and an angry but perplexed look on her face


"Well i knewyou were going to "edit" it for days and probably never send the letter so i took matters into my own hands"

"But- I-" For once, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert was lost for words

Diana swung her arms around Anne, steering her towards the boarding house.

"Now...you wait!"

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