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'Toronto is so deafening' Gilbert thought while looking out the window in class. Gilbert knew going to college would be a whole new world to the peaceful Avonlea, even Bily Andrews could grasp that. But how is one going to study if carts and shouting is going on 24/7?
And the factories. How do people live in a place where grey smoke is filling the air? The smoke is not just killing people, nature is suffering as well! When Gilbert thinks about factories, his blood boils and he knows Annes would too.
Was that first day of college real or was it a fever dream? Gilbert has loved that, redheaded, passionate girl since that day when he came back from Alberta, ever since, its been a lifetime of emotions and luckly Anne has been there.
Now, at one of the most important times of their lives, their separated.

When the professor said class was finished for the day, Gilbert was somewhat relieved. Medicine is a tricky subject to study, and being in a stuffy classroom, with grey clouds of smoke billowing through the air is probably not the most ideal place to study.
Heading out the door to the dormitories, Gibert debates the subject of sending that letter to Anne, is it too soon, or is it too late? This 'courting' bussiness is very confusing to say the least.
After at least an hour of studying, Gilbert heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." Gilbert said quietly, too busy studying to care who walks in or not.
"Hey, um theres a letter for you." His roomate Roy placed the letter down on the desk, not having the slightest idea of the excitement that Gilbert is feeling. Is this is it? The address is not Annes handwriting, thats for sure and certain.
Hands shaking. Palms sweating. He picks up the letter and opens it. He starts to read...

A/N: I know I know but i wanted some tension!! I hope your enjoying so far and hopefully I will be posting more on a scedualed basis!

AN: And also im sorry it was short!  If you have any ideas or questions, dm me on my insta @/freyawithane

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