Chapter 58: I Do

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(a thousand years - Christina Perri)

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(a thousand years - Christina Perri)

Emily looked at the gown in front of her, examining the expensive white heaps of fabric. It was a very pretty one that her friends picked it out for her.

She sighed. Her seventh year had gone great and she became head girl, along with Tom as head boy. It was splendid. Although it was kind of cruel that he had to oblivate the auror's memories and some other evidence, she was glad that he stopped killing.

"Hey, you ready for the wedding?" Julia slipped into the room, then gasped.

"What are you doing sitting there, you idiot? It's going to start soon!" she screamed, then called the maids over to help.

Emily snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the old clock hanging on the white wall.

"Merlin, I'm late!"

They helped her with the outfit. It had layers at the lower part and a white, lace belt to match. The wedding dress was designed to have a sweetheart neckline with sleeves, leaving her back without any fabric to cover.

Julia did her hair into an updo hairstyle with braids at the sides, lowering it into an elegant bun with strands of hair coming down.

She hurried and washed her hands, taking a look of herself in the mirror.

"Put some makeup!"

"The veil, the veil!"

"Where are the flowers?"

"Please, I'm trying to my focus," Emily rushed around and finally find her white ballet flats. A maid pinned the veil up onto her hair, clipping it gently. The bonquet of camelian flowers were handed to her and she took deep breaths in.

Three servants took the thin piece of veil trailing behind her up and Julia stood next to her, her eyes shining with pride.


"I have never been more ready for this."

Tom watched wizards and witches apparated into the wizarding church as he stood near the alter, all his followers standing quietly beside him.

The seats were quickly filled up. Everyone was dressed in bright colours, leaving loads of new brooms, robes, magical kitchen utensils for them. Merlin, he had never expected this day to come. All the conquering he wished for popped like a dream.

And the weird thing is, he'd actually didn't felt that happy anymore. Power never made him feel so.. Nice. So loved.

By the time he had checked his hair and clothes for the third time, everyone was looking at him. Tom suppressed a smile at his surroundings.

A minute passed. The old wizard stood there with his floating parchment, ready to recite whatever that needs to be said.

Where was his bride? Did she.. Ran away? Had Emily just realised that she was going to marry a living devil?

Just as his followers decided to check on her, the doors opened. Tom thought she couldn't have been more beautiful. Her fair skin stood out of the white, flowing fabric and her cheeks were a rosy pink.

Emily's eyes sparkled like a fountain water, crystal clear and blue. She smiled at him as she walked down the aisle slowly, all attention fixed on the pretty bride.

Emily raised her head a little. She blushed even more as her eyes saw him. Her mother escorted her, looking at him with expectations and hope.

They reached the alter and her mother looked at her proudly.

"Take care of my daughter," Mrs Vance whispered, then proceeded to stand aside.

Emily stepped shyly on the little stairs as her friends let go of the veil.

"Hi..." she squeaked, holding the flowers more tightly.

"You looked beautiful," he smiled and there was a light of sparkle in those eyes. Emily sighed softly and take a look at the audience.

"Do you," the elder wizard wearing a white hat begin, "Take Emily Helena Vance as your lawfully wedded wife, and to be there for her through the darkest times, cherished her with absolute trust and love, to honour and care for her?"

Tom stared at his lovely bride. "I do," he cracked a smile.

"And do you-"

"And do you, take me, Tom Marvolo Riddle, as your lawfully wedded husband, and to be there for me through the darkest times, cherished me with absolute trust and love, to honour and care for me?" he interrupted the reciter.

She nodded her head violently, dropped the bonquet of flowers, and kissed him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

"I do," she whispered to him and everyone light up their wands. Someone set firecrackers near the entrance and sparks of yellow and orange flew around in the air.

They walked down together, her small hands clutching his arm. Everyone congratulated them and Emily hurried to her mom.

"Hello mom..." she grinned and held her dress up as she walked.

"Look at you, all ready to be a mom yourself! I'll be a grandmother soon... Well didn't I told you?" she raised her tone, "You'll get married to that wizard someday!"

Emily shushed Mrs Vance and looked down, flustered, "Mom! Honestly, that was seven years ago!"

She laughed. "That proofs I have an excellent memory."

"Oh, and -I had planned to give you this on my wedding. Sorry for delaying a year."

"What is it?" she eyed suspiciously at her back.

Emily took out the blue iris flower. "This is from dad.. He told me to give it to you... And I chose this day."

Mrs Vance looked extremely shocked. "He did? Blue iris flowers... He remembered," she stroke its petals lovingly.

"And do you want to know what he said?"

Her mother grinned. "What?"

"He still loves you. Every day, every night, every minute, every second."

Tears slided down her cheeks. "Oh, darling.." she hugged her daughter tightly, "Your husband is staring at you."

Emily blushed a little. "Really? I'm getting goosebumps."

Tom walked towards them, ignoring the rest of the crowd he was talking to. Slow music started playing softly as the guests took their partners onto the dance floor.

"May I?" he stretched his hand out and Emily laughed.

"Sure," she placed her delicate one onto his and he guided her to the middle.

Wrapping his free arm around her waist, they waltzed slowly, taking small steps. He gazed at her and can't help but smile widely.


"You're finally mine."

"Nonsense," Emily chuckled, "I have always been yours, Tom."

"So, what do you think? Did I planned it well?"

"It's perfect with you in it," he kissed the tip of her nose.

Emily took hold of his hands. It had lost its coldness and was finally warm.

"Happy valentine, Mrs Riddle," he planted a soft kiss on her lips and they danced like there was no tomorrow.

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