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Side? (If so, what side, colour they use and logo):

My ocs (all their bios aren't finished yet so I will add them overtime-)

Name: Imogen Love Sanders

Gender: Female

Age: 14 (if smut or if you want her older, 18)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Side? (If so, what side, colour they use and logo):




Name: Lyssa Hatred Sanders

Gender: Female

Age: 14 (if smut or if you want her older, 18)


Side? (If so, what side, colour they use and logo):




(I made this one a while ago the eh-)

Name: Katie Illogical Sanders

Nicknames: Kate, Cat, Kitty, Kitten, Deodorant eater, Trash queen, The Duchess.

Age: 16

Gender: Male (uses she/her pronouns and cross dresses. Only Remus knows-)

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: As the daughter of Intrusive thoughts, you would expect her personality to be similar to Remus'. On thinking that, you would be correct. Katie is a rather harsh, childish girl which can be quite difficult to get along with. She typically giggles in a childish tone yet her speaking voice seems rather grown up. She typically makes a lot of dirty jokes and a few intrusive thoughts every now and then but can normally steer away from them when on her own. On the odd occasion, she can be nice, but she is usually seen as cruel, childish and slightly emotional. Every now and then, she can have a panic attack or a stroke of depression which typically only lasts for about an hour.

Remus Intrusive Sanders - Also eats deodorant. The Duke. Father.
Roman Creativity Sanders - A Prince. Uncle.

Pets: One of Katie's two pets is a kitten named Sabrina. The kitten is black with white sock-like markings on all of her paws. Around the kitten's eyes, there are white circles and the kittens tail has a white tip. Her eyes are dark, emerald green like her own. Black cats are usually meant to be a signal of bad luck yet Katie seems to only have good luck with this kitten around.
Katie also has another pet, a black raven named Griffen. He usually goes around on her shoulder when she walks around, his black eyes seeming to stare right into the soul of anyone he spots. Ravens are supposed to signify sadness and death yet Griffen seems to make Katie more lively.

Powers: Katie has a few powers that she has inherited from her father. She has the ability to make anything appear in Thomas' hands at will when she's in the room, scream demonically to the point everything in the room will shake, teleport, change her appearance at will, and sink to both the Light Side of the mind and the Dark Side of the mind at will. These are all things she inherited from Remus. Her room, on the other hand, has powers inside it. When you walk inside, unless you're Remus as he's her father, an immediate feeling of dread fills your system. Stay in there for too long and your world's will become jumbled, your mind running with illogical thoughts. When you exit the room, the dread and jumbled words stop but your illogical thoughts will continue for half an hour.

Backstory: Katie was created by Remus, there is no doubt about that. How she was created, though, sets up a bit of debate. The true story is with Remus and his Imagination. Remus, surprisingly, is alright with kids. He wanted a child like himself, one that was as dirty minded and against Logan as he was. This is why Katie was made. She was created with his Imagination and Creativity which made her who she is. When she first appeared, Logan took an immediate disliking to her as she was, well, the opposite of him. This started a harsh rivalry between her and the logical side which nobody thinks will ever stop.


Katie, to be honest, is a rather beautiful woman. She has soft, pale skin which seems to make her emerald green eyes pop as well as the gentle pink make up around her eyes. Her hair is long and chocolate brown with a faded grey highlight in it like her father. She normally wears a long sleeved white shirt. With her shirt, she lazily pulls the sleeves up, doesn't tuck it into her extremely short skirt and leaves the top bitten which keeps her dark blue tie rather loose. She wears simply, black, knee high socks and black heels.

- She is the side of Illogical thoughts.
- Logan hates her the most, her being the direct opposite of who he is.
- Like Remus, she also eats deodorant as if it is normal food. She can eat whatever flavour is around but tends to stick with her favourite flavour; marshmallows and strawberries.
- She has some strengths, these include her surprising amount of wisdom, how quick she is with comebacks and annoying Logan.
- Her weaknesses include someone saying something offensive to her father as it can make her get violent, criticism, homophobic people and Logan using his Logic against her.
- She doesn't like many things but the few things she does includes spending time with the Dark Sides, pride events, cosplaying, and annoying the Light Sides.
- Things that she hates includes being proven wrong, being ignored, people shipping her with either Roman or Remus, and being treated like a child.
- She doesn't hate Logan, more of despises what he represents.
- Her Hogwarts house is, no surprise to many who know her, Slytherin.
- Her icon is a UFO as quite a few people who believe they exist have illogical reasoning as to why they are there.

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