Chapter 2: Die Hak

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"Why don't you shove that spear up your ass you pig," I growled as I tried to get out of Kija's hold. I'd been travelling with the group for a week now and we had gotten into a little routine of everyone keep Hak and I away from each other. Even Yona was trying to keep us apart.

Hak would say something snippy at me, I would return the snippy comment and it would just escalate from there. Yun who I learnt was a boy and not a girl would ignore everyone and read one of the books I had. Turns out I was right, I was somehow trapped in a Chinese Japanese world because they wrote in Japanese. Yun wanted me to grab something from his bag that he had labelled but I couldn't read anything. This then resulted with Hak calling me an idiot and me calling him a muscle head baboon.

Yun then started teaching me Japanese and when I wrote down the words in English so I could remember and understand his eyes lit up. Turns out Yun's a book freak and when I explained that the writing was my native language, he begged me to teach him. So, for the past couple of days Yun has had his head in one of my books that I took with me for camping. It was a romance novel that my friend bought for me. I took it with me in case I got bored, but Yun seemed to be getting really into it. He would come up and ask me questions about what the words where and what they meant. I guess it was good that we could at least talk the same language for some god forsaken reason.

Since Yun was so busy reading and was extremely engrossed in the book, I had to take over the motherly duties as Hak so eloquently put it. I threw a burning piece of timber at his head.

Another thing that changed was I was now wearing girls' clothes or clothes that show that I am a girl. I now wore loose black and gold pants with a tight-fitting gold shirt that accentuated my figure. The green haired man who I learned was named Jaeha had a field day when Yona insisted we get me new clothes. Some of the articles of clothing earned a knife to Jaeha's throat. The shirt barely covered my shoulders and was apparently from one of the neighbouring countries since an exotic beauty such as myself should only wear exotic clothes. His words. Luckily the shopping trip had a bright side. We got me some new swords. These beautifully crafted twin katanas with a black bandaged handle and perfect balance. They were beautiful and now rested against my hips. Hak of course made a snide comment about sucking money out of the princess. We then got into a fight which Shin-ah and Kija had to break up since we started using weapons.

I was currently cooking some rabbit stew, my orange hair tied in a plate on the side of my head as I stirred the pot. Small embers flittered into the sky as Yun sat next to me reading the book. He was still on page ninety-six and was having trouble with some of the bigger words. I only had three proper books with me. The romance one my friend gave me, a cook book since I was out camping and one of my favourite fantasy novels. All my other books were on my tablet that was stashed away in my bag. Yun's eyes would blow out of his head if he saw the tablet unfortunately that and my phone died a while back since this place had no electricity.

"What's this word?" Yun leaned over and pointed to the word he was having trouble at. I read over the sentence he was reading to understand the context of the word in question.

"Mesmerized. Ah, enchanted," I clasped my hands together as I thought of a sentence to better explain the word. "I am mesmerized by the forests beauty. You understand?" I squinted my eyes at my poor excuse of explaining. Even after a few days I still sucked at explaining English. Thank the heavens I didn't decide to become an English teacher.

Yun nodded his head before he pointed to another word shortly after the first word. That one was easy. I smiled.

"I'd be elated if Hak disappeared. I would be elated if Hak suddenly lost his voice. I would be so elated if Hak would do the chores he was asked instead of siting around the campsite," I growled out as I sent a glare to Hak. Hak quirked an eyebrow at the two of us before poking his tongue out. Stupid pig.

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