Chapter 4

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*Blade pov* (yes we have a changing pov)

After Johannah disappears with Emma. One of the boys come at me, punching me straight in the jaw. The other one fiddles around with glasses as if it'll solve whatever just happened. Instead he walks up to me.

"Leave our sister alone. Please leave her alone," his voice is soft and pulls the other one away. Didn't know she had a brother let alone two who are the same person.

My roommates blond mop lifts me up, dragging me away from the people who seem ready to fight me.

"Mate, you need to apologise to that girl. I have seen her before and I'm not sure where but I'm pretty sure she's bad news," his voice is dropped as he hits me in the stomach. Grating my teeth as I feel the pain from being kneed.

Strong, two brothers, bad news. I like the challenge

"She's five foot and it's easy to take her down," shrugging, I keep calm and lean against the wall.

"Yeah, but it looks like everyone in here wants to kill you from putting her in that much pain!" His fists clench as he emphasises everything a little too much.

Hearing a door open I see Johannah give a bag back to someone before walking out. Not even realizing I follow her out of this building that looks like an arena.

"Walkley, wait up," my accent is still thick from the anger but I clear my throat to get rid of it. She's standing still as if a statue before bolting.

Not knowing why I run after her, wrapping arms around her waist as she wiggles around trying to escape.

"Let me go!" She screams while trying to kick me but I lift her up more so her legs don't make contact.

"I'm sorry. I lost my temper, I would never hit a girl in purpose. I'm sorry," I try to keep my voice soft and I tighten my grip around her but she bends over my arm with a little grunt.

Did I bruise her? Shit, I better not turn out to be like him over the next few years.

"Let go of me!" She wiggles in my arms before making the smallest amount of eye contact but there is fear. I let go when a kick hits my ribs. Watching her run away I stand.

Who hurt her?

People start flooding out everywhere to a building and I just follow not knowing what else to do. Just like a river, everyone flows into the cafeteria where the pencil skirt lady explains that afterwards, we will be holding a bonfire. I watch everyone give me skeptical looks but I sit on a table near the back. A familiar mop of blond hair flops beside me.

"So, how did the apology go?" Matt asks and I give a shrug.

Not hungry I just sit and see a bunch of other people in leather jackets sit with us. I see everyone avoiding the table full of leather jackets. Maybe we are people not to be messed with. Towards the end of the dinner period, someone walks in sluggishly.

Johannah looks as if she's run two marathons just by the sweat on the shirt. My eyes never leave her body until I notice she doesn't even try to get food. She just sits with them, slightly leaning into the chair with her eyes scanning everywhere.

My eyes meet hers and I look away down onto the table because I can't look at her. I hurt her without meaning to, I'm just like him. Everyone is getting up to go to the bonfire, well I assume so. I watch her follow everyone, stumbling at a few steps but she does look exhausted.

"Hey, save me a spot at the fire," Matt nods after I finish speaking.

Sneaking up behind her, my arms wrap around her waist. Slowly, I start to walk towards the dorms. I see Emma give me a small glare before distracting the twins. I guess they don't particularly like me after hurting their sister.

I lead her up all the stairs but it's almost like she isn't registering me. I don't know what has happened to her but I hope she gets better soon. I open the door to her dorm finding completely organized already. My dorm is nothing like this, everything is just thrown into wherever it fits.

Carefully my arms snake around her, lifting her up off the ground. Sitting on her bed I rub her back which causes her to relax into my arms, her eyes closing when her head meets the pillow. Gently moving the blanket I tuck her in. She looks so peaceful now.

Walking out of the room I see someone leaning against the wall. The smirk on his face is too familiar. My eyes scan over the leather jacket with a tree up the sleeve, his hair is covering his eyes but he starts walking towards me arms open.

"Having fun at the academy little bro?" Slight smirk, a slight chuckle is in his words as I pat him on the

"Yeah, made a few enemies though," Slipping my hands into my pockets, I look back at the door I just came out of, going back I shut it.

"You've already made enemies? Blade, you know dad sent you here to learn how to be better for-" someone walking by cuts him midsentence only for me to realize it's Emma, "- for the business." He finishes with a cut off voice.

"I know Blaze, I know. Hey Emma," I nod to acknowledge her existence.

"Hey," She nods before walking to her dorm room, standing outside the door. "Is she.. is she okay?" Her voice is soft.

"She's asleep. She'll be okay," I look at Blaze who is confused. "Punch up."

"You got into a punch up with a girl?" His voice is just in shock. "Bro, I thought I taught you better!" He slaps me across my back causing me to cringe.

Emma comes over and slaps me across the face.

"What was that for?!" I get slightly aggressive.

"You punched my friend and have caused her pain. I don't know what is running through her mind at the moment but she was shutting down at dinner and her brothers won't tell me shit," She walks down to the stairs. "And trust me. I'm not an enemy you want."

I stand there stunned before my brother cracks up laughing. I hit him in the stomach before going to head to the bonfire.

"Bro, that's funny! I like her, she's got a fire," His laughter follows me down the stairs.

"Her friend has a bigger temper and fire than that," My voice comes out soft before turning to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I still go here every now and then to little bro. Also I watched the fight, she would have handed your arse to you if she wasn't on her period. Seriously bro I taught you better than that," he sounds defeated as we approach the fire.

I don't answer and sit next to Matt, I nudge him closer to the girl he's chatting causing a few chuckles from her friends.

Marshmallows, hot chocolate, camp food is being passed around but I still don't eat. The warmth of the fire is inviting but my body kibes on its own accordance going to bed without a word.

Aching from the lack of adrenaline and sleep, my muscles tighten when I take off my clothes before laying down.

The fight from earlier plays in my head and the way she yelled in pain. The memory becomes a nightmare. I don't know what cracked but here was one.

Soon I'm asleep in the memory that doesn't stop. Hopefully I can wake up soon and put this behind me.

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