Jayla Kralie

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Name: Jayla Kralie
Nicknames: JJ, Jay bae, Jellybean
Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
birth date: 14. May
birth place: Alabama, USA
residence: Denver Colorado, USA
CreepyPasta Name: /Unknown/

Height 1.55m/5'1 ft
Weight: 49kg
Appearance: normal skincolor, long red-painted fingernails, braces, black glasses
haircolor: long dark blond; mostly braided or bun
eyecolor: blue
clothing style: crop tops, this blue jacket of her "Daddy" (Alex), Jeans or Jogging pants, Converse shoes

weapons: any kind of pistols
hobbies: her phone, singing, watching horror movies, doing something with her friends 
Personality: aggressive, bitchy, sometimes a bitch, can also be cute and nice
Catchphrase: /Unknown/

best friends: Eyeless Jenni The Killer, Laughing Jacky, Jeff the Killer, Brian/Hoodie
siblings: none
parents: Alex Kralie („Daddy"), Jay Merrick („Dad")
crush: Ticci Toby/JJ The Killer
Enemies: Timothy Wright, Briana Wright

likes: Taylor Swift, her friends&family, her phone, being in the centre of attention
hates: Slender Man, when her „Daddy" becomes aggressive, being neglected

mental illnesses: Insomnia, acute stress disorder, anger problems
Theme song: Taylor Swift - Blank Space
favourite food/drink: waffles, salad, Energy Drinks

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