Chapter One- Dad

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With a large grin, Patton opened the oven door with his cat paw oven mitts and pulled out two trays of fresh, warm, chocolate chip cookies. He had been baking all afternoon. He let the hot, oven air wash over his face as he breathed in the sweet scent of cookie dough. Happily, he arranged them on little plates decorated with puppies. Placing them on the table, he sat down to rest. Right on queue, the door opened and Virgil walked in.
"Heya kiddo!" Patton smiled. "Would you like a cookie? They're nice and fresh!"
Virgil looked up from his phone for a second and shifted his headphones before shrugging, taking one and walking off to his room. Slightly disheartened but not too offended, he sat back down. Not exactly the reaction he was hoping for, but it's ok. Virgil isn't always talkative even at the best of times. He might just have had a bad day.

After a few more minutes, in walked Roman, carrying two bags of clothes. He had clearly been shopping already (despite only being payed yesterday). Patton opened his mouth to welcome him but he was interrupted.
"Oh my gosh Pat! You'll never guess what I found at King's Crown today!" He then proceeded to put on shirt after shirt, scarf after scarf and hat after hat in front of Patton while he waited patiently, applauding and occasionally shouting "Yasss King!"

When Roman was done, Patton opened his mouth to offer him a cookie but Roman quickly rushed off, mumbling something about arranging them all in his wardrobe.

Almost immediately, in came his husband Logan.
"Logie!" Patton shouted, jumping up and hugging him.
"Hey baby!" Replied Logan, setting down his laptop. "How are you?"
"I'm ok, I mean, I spent all afternoon baking these cookies for everyone but-" He was interrupted by a notification from Logan's phone.
"Oh, sorry Pat, I have to finish something up for the office, talk to you later!" Kissing Patton quickly on the cheek, he picked up his laptop and rushed into his room, leaving Patton stood there alone.

Patton sat in the empty main room of the apartment, tuning in to the different sounds from his friends' rooms. My Chemical Romance was pumping through the cracks in Virgil's door, various exclamations of 'what a beauty!' and 'my gosh, I forgot about you!' came from Romans room and the sound of Logan's fingers furiously dancing over the keyboard reminded Patton of rain. He just stayed there, staring at the cookies that were increasingly getting colder in despair.

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