The Runaway

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It's the middle of the night everybody's asleep except for you you pack everything that you have but you care about a week's change of clothes some deodorant and some other things like some Lady items and you put them your bag and you head out the door you can have your phone your charger everything. And you leave you've always hated your father he viewed three siblings above you even though you were older than two of them. You turn into your wolf form and run you just keep running until you reach the back alleyway of your house. You just walked through the alleyway like you own the place but you really didn't you stop for a second You sniffed the air cuz you you smelled another presence a familiar presence it was your father you decided to run as fast as you can he was hot your heels until you busted through this run down bar there were people and you turned around and your father was there you killed people before but that's cuz they got on your nerves so your father came crashing in after you and him had a big argument " now I see you have to try and run and hide don't you(y/n)" your father said with anger in his voice" I would'n have to running from you if you get off your lazy behind" you said with anger in your voice even more than he had you're mad to the point where you just wanted to punch him to the ground you were training behind his back so you know you Quirk has gotten stronger can you have similar quirks his Quirk was be able to light himself on fire his hero name is flame He new you were doing something behind his back you always hated to admit it but sometimes you would envy younger brothers you would have got into an argument with the people behind you kept staring at you" when will you ever learn(y/n) you're just a waste of space What are you doing make you" he said that little irritated you are very mad were you also inherited your mother's Quirk which was that take and make an element circle around you but you're that part of your Quirk only worked with fire you got mad and yelled something that you wish you would have regretted" well if you didn't want me in the one that you just throw me out oh wait do you actually love me I would say burn in hell but I don't want to see you there" that was the ultimate roast and everybody was just doing ooooooh because you killed so many people that you don't even know where to start your father decided to use his Quirk intimidate you but that didn't work you use your fire Circle but your fire Circle was blue and then turn into your wolf form witch doesn't really turn to scare your father. You and your father got into a fight you went to jump at your father with your mouth open and close ready to scratch his chest he slapped you before you can reach him anyway crashing through the wall you got up off the wall like nothing happen your sighed dusted off your shirt you set your bag down and you said with sarcasm in your voice "wow that actually hurt" you got up and you made your fire Circle little bit bigger your wolf form got bigger to you're lunged him one more time knocking him to the ground you can put your head to a snack you bit down on his neck he made loud scream you bit down harder cousing blood to come out you bit Even harder and you suffocated him you looked at everyone in the room blood dripping from your teeth" can you help me to dispose of his body" with the most nonchalant tent to your voice everybody looked at each other like you were insane this one blond girl walked up to you she said" hey me hi my name is toga I'm going to be your best friend" nodded your head anagrams because you like the sound of her being your friend this one pale blue hair looking dude what your name was who was that you just killed" my name is(Y/n) (L/n) oh dude I just killed with my dad"  another guy walked up to you and said" wow you must have really hated him" you shifted back into your human form you're stretched and yawned " yeah he was a pain in my ass  well now they she said I can do whatever I want now" you said will the tiredness in your voice so fight really took a lot out of you the dude with the pale blue hair said"I'm tomura shigaraki" a dude with a raven hair said" I go by Dabi" "well I'm tired is there anywhere I can sleep" you can feel the Sleep weight on your shoulders shigaraki I said" would you like to join the League of villains" you being the hero hater that you are you said "sure why not better than being hero am I right" everybody just laughed you kind of grew impatient "can I sleep somewhere now I'm tired" you said in the most tired voice "since you were part of the league now you can sleep" Tamora said "yay I get to sleep now where will I sleep" you say in the tired voice "you know what I don't need a bed or anything special I'll just sleep on the floor" you're trying to your fox form you go to the corner and curl up in a ball and you fall asleep

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