Chapter 2

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Ever since Amy had decided to move on, she tried not to think about Karma but it never worked. As much as she wanted to believe she'd find somebody and fall in love and she and Karma could just go back to being best friends, she knew that with the way her heart ached for Karma, she might never fall in love with any one else, ever.

"Hey." Shane said, as he walked up at Amy, who was taking books out of her locker.

"Hey." Amy said, turning to look at Shane.

"So I spoke to Francia about you." Shane said.

"And?" Amy asked.

"She wants to meet you for coffee after school today." Shane said.

"Where?" Amy asked.

"At that coffee shop, you went to when you ventured into the world of online dating." Shane said.

"Why that place? That place brings out the worst in me." Amy said, shutting her locker.

"She chose it and hey maybe it wont be that bad." Shane said.

Amy shot him a look.

"Okay I know but nothing can be as bad as the last time, you can only get better." Shane said, as he and Amy walked to class.

Shane came over to Amy's house that afternoon, help her pick what to wear.

"This cute, wear this." Shane said, about the fifth outfit Amy had tried on that afternoon.

"Are you sure?" Amy asked, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Yes! For the last time Amy, just wear this." Shane said.

"I really hope I don't screw this up." Amy said, turning to look at Shane, who was sitting on her bed.

"You wont, just try, okay? What's the worst that can happen?" Shane said.

"I could make a complete fool of myself and drive her away." Amy said.

"Yeah, that." Shane said.

"Yeah." Amy said.

"Stop overthinking, just go. I'll be waiting for you when you get back." Shane said as he pushed Amy out the door.

Amy reached the coffeshop and looked around. At one corner of the shop sat a girl that matched the description Shane had given Amy. When she saw Amy, she stood up. She was tall, brunette, the summer's tan still lingering on her face. She seemed like the kind of girl anyone could fall in love with, maybe even Amy.

Amy walked up to the small table in the corner.

"Hi, I'm Francia." Francia said, extending her hand.

"Amy." Amy said, taking Francia's hand.

They spent a while talking about general things, school and the likes.

"So how did you realize you were gay?" Francia asked.

"Um, I don't know.." Amy hesitated. She'd been trying not to look at Francia, but when she finally did, she decided to tell her the truth. "I kissed my best friend and it was like my whole universe snapped into focus. I realized that I didn't want to spend another second, not kissing her."

"Karma?" Francia asked.

"Yeah." Amy said, looking down at her hands.

"You guys always seemed so happy together, why did you break up?" Francia asked.

Amy took a deep breath and decided to go with this whole honesty thing she had going. "Karma and I always said we'd spend our lives together and by the time I realized she was my happily every after, she'd already realized someone else was hers."

"Can I ask you something?" Francia asked.

"Sure." Amy said, figuring she didn't have anything to lose at this point.

"Do you really want to do this?" Francia asked.

"Do what?" Amy asked.

"Be here? On a date with me?" Francia asked.

"Honestly, I'm not over Karma but I really do want to be over her. I want to be here, with you. But I get it, it's not fair to you to have to be with somebody whose not over their ex; so if you don't want to continue, I get it. " Amy said.

Francia didn't say anything for a few moments," My girlfriend and I broke up last month and she now acts as if she doesn't even know me. This is the first date I've been on, since we broke up. I'm just as lost as you are."

"I just think she moved on because she had something to move onto and maybe I can.. We can move on too, if we have something that makes us want to move forward." Amy said, smiling embarrassedly.

Amy and Francia spoke about how much things had changed since they'd come out and how things were with their exes. They walked out of the coffee shop.

"Thank you for today, I really had a good time." Amy said.

"Me too, we should do it again sometime." Francia said. She kissed Amy on the cheek and walked away.

Shane had been waiting for Amy in her room.

"Finally! How was it?" Shane asked.

"Turns out she and I have a lot in common. She and her girlfriend just broke up and she's trying to find a way to move on." Amy said, taking a seat next to Shane on her bed.

"See, I told you it couldn't be that bad! Tell me everything." Shane said.

Amy and Shane spent the whole evening discussing Amy's date. For the first time in a very long time, Amy felt happy; she'd just been so heartbroken for so long and no one seemed to understand how much she was hurting, until now. She knew getting over Karma was going to be the hardest thing she'd ever have to do but having someone like Francia to help her through it, didn't hurt.

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