Chapter One: The Fall

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Okay, this is the first book I've ever wrote and actually finished. I started when I was 12. I'm almost 15 now. I wrote the whole thing out, then someone I knew who's an editor for a magazine nicely offered to be a bata reader for me. I read his story, which he is currently trying to publish, and he read mine. We shared notes. I'm still working on putting his suggested changes into my book. That being said, I would love to hear YOUR feedback on my story as well. Any votes/comments are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading!


"Look," hissed Lila, Ruth's best friend. "It's David Lloyd, Ruth! He is so cute!" she clutched at her chest in giddy pleasure.

    "Really?" said Ruth, rolling her dark green eyes and blushing. "Gee, him? What happened to Gabe?"

    "Gabe? You're kidding! He picks his nose! Can you imagine anything grosser?" Lila snorted, then went back to staring at David.

    "How come he's not with the rest of his snotty friends?" Ruth wondered. "He's usually surrounded by tons of people." She thought for a moment. "They probably weren't invited." she decided.

    Ruth and Lila were at a birthday party for someone at school. Everyone from the seventh grade was invited, but since it was after school in the middle of the week there were only about twenty kids there. But their families were also invited, and that definitely counted for more, so it was a good thing that this was an outdoor party at the park.

    "Who cares; I'm going to talk to him," Lila declared, and flounced off toward David, auburn hair swaying as she walked.

    Ruth sighed. Slim, blue-eyed Lila had no trouble talking to people at all. She was born to be the center of attention and have a gazillion friends. Ruth, on the other hand, was quiet, and no one seemed to take to her as they did Lila. She had been more social before it had happened. Ruth felt that familiar pang of longing and love and hurt. Now everything was different.   

    Ruth watched Lila talk with David. David said something funny and Lila laughed. Actually, knowing Lila, it probably wasn't funny. She would laugh at anything. He leaned in closer to Lila and said something to her, then turned and began to walk over to Ruth. Lila stayed where she was. Ruth could feel her face begin to flame. She closed her eyes and thought, Calm down, dummy! He's just another human being. A very cute human being... her thoughts teased. She pushed the disgusting voice away. Then she opened her eyes. David was right there in front of her.

    "Hi," David said, brushing the blonde hair out of his face, "I saw you over here and thought you could use something."

    "What? Gee. I-I'm..." His blue eyes laughed at her - but not meanly - and her words stuck into her throat.

    "You're Ruth, I know," he said laughing. "Here."

    He slipped a small piece of paper into her hand and walked away. Ruth looked down at her hand, and the thick paper in it.

    Dear Ruth, It read in swirly writing. I've been watching you for a while now and it's time I told you something. I think you are a very smart, talented, pretty girl. I've never known anyone like you. I would like to get to know you better, if you would like to..?

     She thought it was probably the dumbest, most ill-written piece of work she had ever seen, but when he looked over at her, she quickly slipped it into the pocket of her overalls and looked around. Wow, she thought, Maybe there are people in the world who can write worse than the triplets. She tucked a strand of her dark wavy hair behind her ear. Maybe he feels the same way about me that I do of him! Except the way he thinks about it is way mushier. By far. Ruth's thoughts were interrupted by Lila beckoning for her urgently from the bridge.

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