Chapter Thirteen: Tom and Ruth Get Help

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The torture chamber was, to be frank, a terrible place. Devices created for inflicting pain lined every wall—except for one wall, which had a large fireplace; the only light source in the room, giving everything an eerie glow—and were scattered around in various places about the large room. Tom hid behind a barrel full of freaky spiky things. Ruth slipped over to a block of wood that held various types of swords and pikes and squeezed behind it. Peeking out, she saw Ramere's dwarf shove her over to a wooden frame. Fitting her inside it, he proceeded to chain each of her limbs to all four corners of the frame. As he chained her left leg, she lifted her right leg—which had not been chained yet—and kneed him in the face. He cursed and held his nose, which was now dripping crimson, then slapped her smartly across the face.

"That should teach you, elf." He scowled at her, holding his nose.

"Well, it didn't," she replied.

Ruth looked at Ramere like she was insane. Seriously, is she asking for trouble? she wondered.

The dwarf's face turned red with fury, then his features relaxed. "Well, if that didn't, I guess I'll have to try harder, won't I?" He turned away from Ramere and walked to the barrel Tom was hiding behind. Ruth held her breath. Would he be found? But no. The guard leaned over and selected a weapon. One Ruth had never seen before. It was a long slender pole, and attached to the end was a thing that looked like a hairbrush top. Except, instead of bristles on it, it had lots of small, sharp blades. Ruth sucked in her breath. Was he really going to use that on her?

Grinning evilly, the dwarf turned back to the elf. His grin widened when she caught sight of the weapon and paled. "Don't like this, do you? I believe you two have been acquainted in the past, correct? Not too long ago, either. In the last couple of days, or so I've heard." Smiling, he advanced on the girl. Ramere flinched. The dwarf walked behind her so she could not see him, then raised the dreadful weapon. Ruth shut her eyes, too aghast to watch. Ramere gave a half groan, half scream of pain. Ruth could tell she was trying hard not to make a sound. Ruth glanced at Tom. His face was pale, but his eyes were full of rage.

He's going to attack the dwarf! Ruth realized. I've got to help him! Glancing at the dwarf to make sure he was looking the other way, she slipped her hand around her hiding place and grabbed a dagger. Drawing a deep breath, Ruth heaved back her arm and threw the dagger to the far side of the room. Instantly alert, the dwarf whirled around and advanced toward the area where the dagger fell. Fortunately for Ruth, there were many places for an intruder to hide where she had thrown it. Ramere's whole body sagged with relief at the break in the dwarf's incessant raking of her back. Tom glanced at Ruth. She met his gaze and nodded. Silently, he crept out of his hiding place and slipped toward his target.

The dwarf was searching behind and in barrels of torturing supplies and muttering to himself.

As Ruth watched Tom she tried to figure out exactly what he was going to do. Was he going to capture him? If so, he needed a weapon. Was he going to knock him out? If so, he needed a weapon. Was he going to kill him? If so, he needed a weapon. After all that strategic thinking, Ruth decided what she needed to do. She reached around her hiding place and selected a short sword. It looked like a good sword as far as she could tell. As she prepared to throw the sword to Tom, she took one last look at the deadly weapon as it glinted in the firelight. The sword was covered in blood. She shrieked and dropped the sword. It clattered ominously as it fell.

Suddenly, the world seemed to move in slow motion. The dwarf shouted and turned sloooowly toward her. Tom froze and liiiifted his head up to meet the guard's gaze. The dwarf looked at Ruth, then turned his head and looked at Tom. He raaaaised his fist and sloooowly brought it down towards Tom. Tom saw what was happening and duuuucked out of the way. Then he tuuuurned to Ruth. She leeeeaned down and grabbed the sword. Grimacing at the blood that had caused all the trouble, she threw the sword to Tom. Tom leeeeaped up and snatched up the sword, then tuuuurned to face the dwarf. As Ruth was giving Tom the sword, the other dwarf had gotten a weapon of his own. Both dwarfs raaaaised their swords and heaved them towards each other. Ruth winced, but kept her eyes glued. Their weapons clashed and ricocheted off their opponent's. Tom stuuuumbled back a step. The guard grinned, murder glinting in his eye. He swung again, and again, Tom stepped back.

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