Deadly Flowers Are Still Pretty

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Lately, Alucard felt weird, like he could throw up every moment because of some weird feeling in his heart. He considered to go to Estes and ask what's wrong, but he simply didn't have the time for it. He was a busy man and he had more stuff to be worried about. It wasn't like he never worked while he was sick before and besides it was probably nothing to be worried about. So he just continued with what he was doing and ignore the red signs. But he started to take it a little bit more serious when he coughed out a flower. It happened when he and Guinevere went on a mission. He never met the Baroque family before but one-day Tigreal just said to him that he should pack his bags because he would go on a mission with Guinevere Baroque. To be honest he still doesn't know why he went and where because Tigreal gave them zero information, just that they had to go to the magic academy. He and Guinevere were just talking about random stuff and getting to know each other better when Guinevere asked a question.

'' You are partners with Granger right?'' Alucard just nodded and asked why she asked.

'' Because I want to know if the rumors are true,'' said she with a little laugh.

''What rumors?'' There are so many rumors about Granger and or with him, that Alucard couldn't keep it up anymore.

'' About him having a lover! Big brother Lancelot told me that he saw Granger with a pretty sniper girl. He said that it looked like a date and now I am curious!'' Alucard couldn't help but laugh it was just impossible to imagine. Granger on a date with a girl? Are they talking about the same Granger who even with him Alucard, his partner, and best friend for years, never really talk that much? Sure he talked to him more then he talked with anyone else, but still most of the time Alucard just talked and talked. 

'' Granger isn't the type who goes on 'dates'. He is only focused on his missions just like me and besides he is not interested in love. Granger said it himself to me.'' said Alucard. Guinevere just looked at him funny and she shook her head. 

'' But it's true tho because Claude saw it as well.'' Alucard just rolled with his eyes because why would anyone believe anything Claude says? He is a thief and he just liked mischief. Alucard and Claude are good friends tho but Claude is not the best with secrets.

'' Who believes anything Claude says? He has mischief written all over him.'' Guinevere frowned and looked at him questionably.

'' But why would they lie? And Harith and Harley as well?'' mumbled she too no one

''' Harith? What about him?'' said Alucard curiously. To be honest Alucard was really protective about Harith even tho he would always tease him. Harith meant the world to Alucard and he would never let anyone hurt him, Alucard basically treated Harith as his own son. So he couldn't help but be curious if anyone just mentions him.

'' Harith was with Claude, Lancelot, and Harley. Lancelot told me that Harley wanted to stalk Lesley because lately, she was always sneaking off or something like that. He asked Harith to company him and Lancelot and Claude were hanging out when Claude heard Harley's plan. And then Claude thought it would be funny to join. So they just stalked her -weirdos I know- and saw how Lesley and Granger were acting like a couple. How romantic right!''

Granger on a date? And not even telling Alucard about it? He could still remember how shooked he was because it never happened before. Again he felt a weird feeling in his chest that made him want to cry. He suddenly had to urge to cough and when he did he coughed out a flower. Guinevere just looked at him weirdly and ask if he was alright. Alucard barely remembered what happened after it, but he felt like the coughing out a flower had something to do with this weird, almost painful feeling in his chest. But did he do anything with it? The answer is no, Alucard just shrugged it off and continued with his life. But he still couldn't help but be a bit worried especially after hearing Guinevere's words.

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