Round 2

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"Another day Samson, another you!"
My ears rang as Dad bellowed at me from my bedroom door. I squinted as I opened my eyes; the curtains copied me, blasting me with sunlight.
"Come on Larking, you're never this sleepy!"
Dad peered over me, inspecting me with a scrutinising eye. He placed a hand on my head.
"Hmmm. No fever. What's made you a normal teenager? Where did the early morning riser go?"
He was right in asking me. I didn't normally sleep in. My mind was even fuzzy from all of the sleep I'd had. There had been no 5 am start for me, no cold and rude awakening. Instead dreams had filled my mind, leaving me undisturbed.
"Sam, are you feeling okay?"
"Yes," I replied as I turned to face my Dad, "I'm all good."
And I was good, for the first time in ages 

Dad pulled up to the school for the second day. Unlike yesterday, we had Cassie dressed in a princess costume who was chattering in the back seat next to me, her voice drowning out my newly ignited nerves for just a moment. I took a deep breath and glanced out my window to see the building. I hoped today would be like yesterday. Anxiousness was churning me into a mixture of worry, nervousness and nausea, all of the feelings I didn't care for. I gripped my door handle, my knuckles turning white as my hand stuck to the metal in sweat. I was going to be fine. I let those six words act as a comfort blanket, a blanket that was holding together by a thread.
"Sammy." Cassie poked me, drawing me out of my daze.
I turned to see her soft face watching me in a mix of wonder and cheeky amusement. I grinned, tickling her ribs to get a giggle out of her. She grabbed my cheeks, scrunching up her nose and placing it on mine like we used to. The memories of us that I had forgotten until now danced in my mind, allowing me to appreciate her innocence.
"Have a good day Cass." I fixed her tiara and gave her a smile.
"Sam-Sam!" She called out to me as I moved out of her personal space. She made grabby hands, trying to coax me back. I shook my head, grabbing my rucksack to leave when an abrupt knocking at my window made me nearly jump out of my skin.

I saw those eyes first. The sun shone on them, making her iris's look like a bottle of whisky on a summer's day. Her hair was up in a bun similar to the one she wore yesterday; the soft baby hairs framed her face delicately. Her freckles formed constellations across her cheeks to make her look even more like an angel from heaven. Her whole facade was a work of art, something created to make you feel rather than something created for admiration. She took a step back from the door, allowing me to open it and get out
"And who's this?" My Dad questioned me as he caught my eye in the front mirror. I felt my blush without needing to look at my reflection.
"I'll see you later."
I opened the door, making a space for Hazel to come and peer inside.
"Hello Mr Larking, and why hello little princess!"
Hazel lifted her skirt slightly to bow at my sister. Cassie giggled at the nickname, waving down at Hazel before chanting, "Ooo Samson has a girlfr-"
I slammed the car door before another word could be heard.
"Let's go."

I gnawed on my bottom lip, my eyes flitting between rooms. Hazel had walked me in but had to go in a different direction. My head flashed back to yesterday, fear bubbled up inside of me. I was being knocked around in this corridor, my body bouncing as I was barely stable on my feet. I felt my lungs burning as my breath became too hard to catch. How could I stop this? I stumbled, tripping up a single step to land on my knees. I cursed as pain bolted through every nerve and bone in my body. Why hadn't I paid attention to where I was going? I knew the answer, as much as I hated to know it. It was Hazel. She occupied my mind and now I was lost. I was such a fool. I grabbed onto the banister attached to the wall next to me in an attempt to pull myself up. My breaths were shaky as my clammy palms slipped straight down the wood. I just had to get out of here and hide until break. Panic had full control over me, it's slimy grasp at the wheel of my misfortune, ready to turn me into another embarrassment yet again. I clenched my eyes shut, willing myself to rise onto my feet. I felt myself releasing a sigh of relief and the touch of a palm on my shoulder became recognisable.

I glanced upwards, my mind that was now in knots of panic had finally untangled itself enough to focus. Hazel, alongside Mr Grier, were by my sides, pulling me to my feet. I had never wanted to jump off of a high place more in my life. I prayed that the hands of death dragged me out of this mortifying situation. I must've looked so weak and helpless to them yet again. I should've been used to the embarrassment by now but it still stung. Each breath was agonising but steely determination drove me to try and conceal it. I couldn't look anymore stupid that I did already. If the old Samson Larking did this he would have been crucified.
"Hazel dear, let's take him to my office."
The soft voice of Mrs Grier only made me feel more helpless. I'd never needed help from anyone in this way before and I sure wasn't going to have any now.
"No-no..." I stammered, my mind barely capable of making my mouth create any other articulate sounds.
"Yes." Hazel glared at me, stubbornness and finality filling her expression. I hadn't known hazel for very long at all but I recognised that look. I couldn't refuse. I gathered myself together and followed behind her. They had both seen me without my mask on. I knew I wasn't going to able to wear it any longer.

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