Chapter 1

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*21 years after the breakdown*

The emperor approached the microphone, his dazzling robe of vibrant colors, and intricately embroidered patterns flapping behind him. He stopped a few inches before the metallic mesh of the mic touched his lips, pausing a moment to gaze out into the expanse of the sea of people patiently waiting in the audience. In his peripheral, he noticed the cameraman on the left swiveling himself to get a better angle. 

The wind blew steadily, but not too hard. Just enough for a comfortable chill. Though, under his layers of clothing, the temperature didn't effect him. The sky was painted with blending shades of blue, purple, pink, and orange. Glimmers from the ocean surface in the distance and glass panels on buildings closer by danced across one another. The evening sun was setting and it would soon shine in his eyes. He didn't really feel like having that inconvenience while on the stage, so he mentally noted to himself to hurry things up. He inhaled deeply and let out a sigh, stepping up to the mic.

"Good evening citizens of Cascadia. I am delighted that so many of you have made room in the schedule of your busy lives to see me here," he began, his voice projecting powerfully and echoing. "It really does move me! Wow! There must be more than ten thousand of you! The unity of our people truly shows itself through your presence." The crowd calmly cheered. The emperor smiled and gestured with both hands raised slightly up and outwards for the audience to quiet down. 

"But," he lowered his voice, darkening the tone. "There are some of those who do not have the vision that I and all of us do, and actively make the effort to destroy everything that has been built." About a dozen people somewhere within the audience sneered and boo'd in agreement.

"Yes... that is how you should feel," the emperor acknowledged the disapproval. "Blasphemy! It certainly is!" He snarled, taking a second to recompose himself. He patted the front of his Hakama above his chest unnecessarily, and fiddled with the dual katanas neatly strapped to his waist. 

He continued. "The world we knew is long gone. It's been 21 years since the breakdown of the old society. Many of you never even knew that world, in fact. Only that it existed. You were too young to remember or you were born here within the walls. It was your parents' teaching and the evidence all around in ruin that taught you what we lost. For those of us like me and your parents, those of us whom remember that world, it has served as our lifelong duty to give that back to you. And we achieved that. Surpassed it even..." He grumbled, not quite convinced of what he was about to say. "... In a way."

The crowd murmured curiously. "It's true, I still can't even get good service downtown." Many people harmoniously chuckled. And so did the emperor. "So much has been accomplished these last two decades. We live civilly and comfortably. We have regained the technologies of our past. There are clinics and hospitals. There are schools and universities. There are markets and stores. There is housing and transportation. 

There is no more smog to poison our children's lungs nor plague to take our loved ones. The evergreen forests that our homeland was once renowned for, reach as far and as lush as they did before the industrial scourge of the 19th century. The rivers run clear without impurities and the salmon have rejuvenated from their near extinction... There is life."

The emperor took a few slow breaths through his nose, scanning over the crowd, paying no attention to any specific face. The breeze picked up and brushed strands of loose hair across his forehead. He turned his head back, looking to the brawny security officer at the end of the stage in charge of the assets. He signaled with his fingers to 'bring them up'.

He turned back to the audience. "It is my duty to you to protect what we have here. I'm sure you all realize that most parts of the continent, let alone the planet, have not recovered like we have. There is still anarchy and chaos out there beyond the walls."

The Walking Dead: Flames in the Northwestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن