Chapter 7- Ski Trip

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"All right guys, this is no sweat." Eric stated staring at a map with Hyde and Fez as I sat on the couch, "If we leave right after school, we should make it to Jackies ski cabin by, like, 6 o'clock."

"Man, I cant wait. A trip to my favourite place." Hyde said, "Anywhere but here"

They laughed and sat down. We are all going away to Jackies families ski cabin for the weekend. As much as I hate the cold, im excited. Who knows, maybe Hyde and I will have a good time together.

I looked up from the magazine I was reading when I heard the door open. Kelso came in with a shit eating grin on his face and laughing. We all looked at him waiting for him to explain whatever dumb thing he did that he thinks was cool.

"Guess who made out with Pam Macy behind the gym?" He asked

We were all silent for a moment, "Everyone." I answered bluntly getting a high-five from Hyde

"No! Me!" Kelso yelled

"Kelso, a lot of people hangout behind the gym." Eric said, stating the obvious Kelso clearly hasn't clicked into yet

"Yeah, that's what so great about it! Everyone saw it!" Kelso explained still excited

"You're an idiot, Kelso" I said bluntly

"Oh! That's great man!" Hyde said sarcastically, "Because now everybody can tell Jackie, you moron."

"Yeah, and then she's gonna dump you and we wont be able to go to her ski cabin" Eric said nervously

"Shes never gonna find out." Not even 2 seconds after the words left Kelso's mouth, Jackie burst through the door, "You are a dog, Michael, a dirty dirty dog!" She yelled pointing at him

"What did I do?" He asked stupidly

"You kissed Pam Macey" Fez said nonchalantly, I gave him a fist bump at his blunt comment, as Kelso gasped.

"I trusted you Michael, and now all my friends are laughing at me. I can't even show my face in the third floor bathroom anymore! And that's the cool bathroom!"

"But, I-" Kelso started to talk but Jackie cut him off, "No Michael. We're through."

"Okay, if that's the way you want it, we're through." Kelso stuttered, "And Monday, when we get back from that ski trip, it's over!"

Jackie laughed and walked around the couch, taking a seat beside me, "No Michael, no, no, no, no, no. You won't be skiing this weekend."

"Oh, that's just great Jackie. Cancel the ski trip and disappoint all our friends!" He yelled bending down beside her behind the couch

"Oh no no no. We are still going." She said slapping Eric and I on our knees. I huffed a laugh and smiled at her. She gave me a sad, but angry, smile in return.

He stood up offended, "Well, they're surely not going without me. Right guys?"

"Sorry kelso, you messed up." I said shrugging my shoulders. The guys stayed silent.

"Oh, and did I mention my parents are not coming? So it'll be just us?" Jackie said proudly

Eric Turns to Kelso with open arms and a big grin, "So we'll see you Monday!"

It was Friday night and we are getting ready to leave. I was putting stuff in the back seat, as Mrs. Forman was putting something in Erics bag upfront. I stood up beside Eric outside the car when she came around.

"Honey, I put some sandwiches in your duffel bag." She told him kindly, "Now, um, why do you need such a big bag of oregano?"

Eric froze up, only getting out, "Oh, um"

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