Short Introduction of Sorts

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Before we begin, first of all, HELLO MY FELLOW READERS OF WATTPAD!

Sorry I left you all hanging for so many years with my stories, inspiration and self love has been a big problem, so I haven't exactly been writing. 
I'm alive, so that counts for something, right?

Anyways, if you somehow didn't read the title or description, then you probably can't read. Which begs the question of how you managed to get this far and why you're so interested in this little book of mine? 
Or you just didn't want to read too much, saw a picture, and decided on this story. In any case, allow me to elaborate what this is to those of us who wish to know.

This is a one book off of the wonderful video game of: Deltarune.
Despite their only being one chapter in the game, there are many old and new characters that'd I'd like to touch upon and explore their different possibly personalities within my random one shots. They have such interesting character design that I'd love to play around with and the game itself is loveable, so why not try at this? Also, my friends are holding me at gunpoint to get back to writing like they are (send help)

Anyhow! Requests can and will be open, so feel free to leave a couple! Don't forget that, if you liked what you read, to vote on my chapters and share it with your weeb friends! (not like the ones holding me hostage)

I'll be starting off with Deltarune King x Reader, so I hope you enjoy! 

Oh! Before you go, why don't you comment some suggestions on how to properly close out my chapters? Its been quite a while and I'd love to see all your wonderful suggestions!

See you on the other side of my chanclas!

Deltarune One Shots (but I'm late to the party)Where stories live. Discover now