Ohohohohohi! at last an actual conflict

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My eyes flutter open, the last of the suns rays shining off the water. I look down and take in the fact that not only am I outside, I'm also in nothing but my shorts and there's an Eddie sized imprint in the sand next to me, with footsteps leading off into the woods. When I get up I can see him through a copse of trees, pacing back and forth and running his hands through his hair. He's still shirtless, and sand is stuck to his back in patches. I push myself to my feet and run my fingers through my hair, still damp and covered in sand.
I walk over to Eddie and he looks at me like I'm a ghost.
"We should head home." He says. I nod. His mother is probably already scared out of her mind. We walk back up to the cliff side, and luckily out clothes and bikes haven't been stolen. I pull on my shirt and hop on my bike, waving as he begins towards his house and I towards mine.

That night the image of him curled up beside me is burnt into my retinas. I should be able to stop thinking about him. I'm not a fag, and Eddie sure is bottom of the barrel for people to be attracted to. But god, the way the sun shone on his tan skin and accentuated the angles of his body, his hair curling slightly from the dirty water, the way the water ran down his skin. I seemed to be drifting further and further from sanity, and soon I returned to the bliss of sleep.

And yet he plagued my dreams as well. We were just friends, to be otherwise, in all honesty, would be disgusting.

It's not as if he'd be gay.

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