1st story

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A/n this is inspired being black butler a bit so if you know it u might now some parts

The demon eye

Hi,my name is Molly.i am 12 years old.My brother he's

gonna be murdered cause people want his soul

Because he had a demon soul.When you got his soul u get 3

wishes lots of people wanted to be rich,famous,and HOT

When I heard that I thought they wanted to be on fire so i

got a match and threw it at them.I felt happy but that was

Wrong(I wrote this at school so that's why I had to put that line)

But lots of thing made me happy(this part is made my a friend)
and so people after they killed my brother they found out

that I had a demon eyed too.and so they tried to murder me

But I got a match and threw it at them.and so I knew that

I can bring my brother from hell so I did and it wasn't my

brother it was a butler he had a black tuxedo and black

1 Glove on and a pentagram patch in his other hand.he

Snapped his fingers and the patch was on my pentagram eye

He asked me"what do you wish for m,lady?" 'What m,lady'

"What"I asked "what do you wish for m,lady?" 'Nope got

that right' "i-i wish for my brother" "but that will cost

your life are you sure you want that?"he asked"n-no"I

said trying not to cry"very well,now what do you wish for"I paused "i wish for

revenge.he took off his glove and there was a pentagram on his hand and it glowed

My wish came true all the people were....were dead "not like that I wanted to do it" "I'm sorry m'lady I'll bring them back for u too kill"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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