25 - a big decision

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      For the next few weeks, Catherine and Shelly brought over sandwiches and drinks for each day's trip up the coast.  Jesse operated a small deli counter in the main cabin.   He and Eric had built it together — complete with a sign that read "The Sandpiper Deli."  When he was not manning the counter, Jesse was busy providing tour commentary over a PA system Eric had bought at a pawn shop.  Passengers appreciated the boy's efforts by filling a tip jar Eric had set out.  Jesse wanted to share the money, but Eric refused, insisting the boy save it for the future.

     Jesse wrote a press release about the Lost Dream becoming a tour boat, complete with food and drinks.  He mailed it to local newspapers, which obliged with free publicity.  Jesse also created splashy new flyers and posted them throughout each of the towns along the ferry's route.  As a result, interest in the ferry picked up.  Eric was bemused by it all, but was secretly pleased with the boy's efforts.

     Through it all, Eric wondered how his dream might have played out had his father survived — a persistent pall over the upbeat turn of events.  Not accustomed to lasting happiness, Eric worried how long it would last.  Jesse's unresolved situation gnawed at him, each day's anticipation turning to anxiety later that night.  Eric was always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

     One evening, Catherine arrived at the entrance of the wharf while Eric and Jesse docked the boat.  Watching from her car, she admired how well the two worked together.  Jesse lassoed the amidships breast line around a pile, then hustled to the stern while Eric scrambled forward.  In unison, the two secured the remaining lines, then met amidships and slapped each other five before jumping on board.  Catherine chuckled at how much younger Eric seemed since Jesse had entered his life.  She envied the boy's success at breaking down Eric's walls.

     As Eric and Jesse headed to the wheelhouse, they noticed Catherine in her car.  They paused at the doorway and waved.

     Catherine climbed out.  "So which of you two was the winner tonight?" she called.

     Eric and Jesse responded in unison, "I was!"

     Each looked at the other with indignation, then Jesse instigated a pushing match.  Eric picked up the boy and threatened to toss him overboard.

     "You cheater!" Jesse cried.  "Put me down!"

     "I'll put you down, all right!" Eric hooted, swinging the boy around.  "How about in Davy Jones's locker?"

     Catherine covered her mouth in alarm while holding back a laugh.  "Eric!" she scolded.  "Put that poor boy down before someone gets hurt!"

     Jesse kicked and struggled as they collapsed to the deck in laughter while Catherine walked up and folded her arms.  Eric and Jesse untangled themselves and stood up, glancing at each other as if they were in trouble.  After a few elbows back and forth, Jesse sought sympathy.

     "He started it!" Jesse declared, pointing at Eric.

     "Yeah, I'm sure!" Catherine said.  "Why do I get the funny feeling I'm supposed to be the referee?"

     After a couple of snickers and nudges back and forth, Eric tussled the boy's hair and pushed him away.  "Why don't you go take the coolers over to Catherine's car, okay?"

     Jesse nodded and grinned sheepishly at Catherine.  "Oh, all right.  Excuse me, Katie!  I guess I better get to work before he fires me again."

     As the boy walked off, Catherine followed Eric into the wheelhouse.  "Again?" she asked. "When was the first time?"

     Eric leaned against the helm and sighed.  "Oh, it was nothing.  Just kidding around."

The Lost Dream of the Sugar SandWhere stories live. Discover now