Beautiful Art

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Have you ever seen a piece of art you hate?

I bet you have before and never knew from the start.

On a wonderful easel I saw the most beautiful marks.

Jagged lines that crossed the thighs and stomach and red dots that lined the face.

Some people thought it was mesmerizing and other thought it not.

A person once had the nerve to say it was too big for their taste.

I decided to blunt that day and say this to their face. "That art is a masterpiece and for you to hate it is such a disgrace."

They scoffed and walked away from me and I was glad they were out my face.

I took a picture of the art and I asked her what she sees.

Her response made me sad so I had to make her see.

This masterpiece is beautiful just look at those thighs. They have a few lines but I think it's an intricate design.

Look at the bumps on that face it's nothing for you to hate. They don't hinder your beauty in fact it's part of everyone's design. Name one male or female who hasn't had these bumps and lines.

Look at that stomach, how wonderful it is. Doesn't matter how big or small I'll always want it to be part of the deal.

You see flaw in everything people tell you they hate, but I see beauty in the masterpiece your mother waited 9 months for God to fully create.

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